Page 17 - index
P. 17

16  About  Genealogical  Standards of  Evidence
                                    Robert Kent is the son ofJames and Charlotte Kent) and asking
                                    yourself  questions  about which  sources  will  reveal  the
                                    relationship or identity (Is there a birth record for Robert Kent?
                                    Did his father execute a will identi@ing a son Robert?).
                                       Some of  the common frustrations  you  may meet in  your
                                    historical  travels  are:

                                       contradictory evidence about BMD or other identif4ring factors;
                                       lack of  primary information or &rect evidence to link two

                                       same-name people  as your  ancestor, in  the  same general
                                       area, at about the  same time.
                                    The model below  should assist you  with  the  discussion  that
                                    follows. Genealogical  standards  have  evolved  beyond  the
                                    "old"  classifications, which were  called pnir/a~ and  secortda~
                                    sources, to become  more precise  in meaning  and  relevance.
                                    The classes  or categories  of  information  and  evidence  can
                                    be  mixed  within  one source.
                                    Reference Model

                                        SOURCES           INFORMAllON        EVIDENCE
                                        information is ->   kt!tiib,"za+       questions/
                                      (the form in which                      (relevance to

                                           found)          source reveals)    hypothesis)
                                            I                  Primary I          Direct I

                                           Original              or                or
                                             or               Secondary
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