Page 153 - index
P. 153
and Mrs Germaine cStEt' of Portlandg~le and Mrs Laura Caron of Na-
shua,N.H. He worked as a ~chQn1c here in Lewiston,Me.
His grandparents were Olivier and Sylvie Jacques who were married
Oct.13,1857 at st.Joseph,Baauce,p.Q.
The parents of Olivier were Isai~ and Marcelline Letourneau who
were married Oct.15,1833 at St.Joseph,Beauce,p.Q.
The parents of Isaie were Pierre and Cecile Pen-a who were married
Nov.6,1810 at St.Joseph,Beauce.
The parents of Pierre were Pierre and M.Victoire Lessard who were
married June 30,1779 at StoJosephgBeauce.
The parents of the second.Pierre were Pierre and Genevieve BOucher
Who were married Nov.3,1744 at St.Joachim,p.O. pierre married as
second wife Marth3 Bolduc Auq.5,1765 at St.Joachim.(see this above
couple on page 145.)
WILFRED M. was born Apr.19,1908 at st.Ephrem,p.Q. and died Apr.
7,1979 at Glendale,Calif. He was the son of Aure1e and of Victoria
Veilleux who were married Auq.l,1892 at St.Victor,P.Qo
He had two sons Roger and Pa.ul '001:11 of Ansheim,Ca1if. His surviving
relatives Blanche Daniels of Lewiston o a sister and 7 grandchildren
and 2 greatgrandchildreno He lived here in Lewiston for 29 years
and then moved to Glenda.le,Calif where he had been for 33 years.
His grandparents were Jean and Philom'ene Rancourt who were married
Feb.26,1867 at StsFran~01seBeauce,poQo .
The parents of Jean were Pierre and Apolline Vachon who were mar-
ried Jan,lg1829 at StaJose~h,Beauce,PoQ.
The parents of Pierre were Jean and Charlotte Roy who were married
Oct.9,l792 at St~Fran~oisgBeaucegP.Oo
The parents of Jean were Joseph and Anqelique Rodrigue Who were
married Jan.25,1762 at st.Josepho{see this above couple at the bot-
tom of page 147.)