Page 150 - index
P. 150
BERTH! was born Jane6 1900 at SteEphrem,P.Q. and died Oct.16,1916
at Lewiston,Me. She wu the daughter of Napoleon and B$atrice
Caron who were married Novo22,1898 at St.Ephrem"
Her husband was Arthur Pomerleau.- They ware married July 12,1920
at St.Evariste,PoQ. They had Luc and Laurier of Lewiston and Con-
rad of Woonsocket,ReI. and Anita BSk of Lewiston. Her surviving
relatives were Mrso Blanche Lizo~te of Lewiston and Mrs Thomas
(Germaine)Duchette of Auburn,Me and Mrs Leon(Jeannette)Tardif of
Lewiston and Mrs ArthurCLuaia)eurtis of Lewiston and Mrs Mandoza
(Fernande)Bolduc of Hartford,CT. She had lived in Lewiston since
Her grandparents were Oliver and his first wife Louise Doyon
who were married Jan~29,1861 at St.Franjols,Beauce,p.a. He married
" ....
as second wife Lea Giguere Sept.24,1906 at St.Joseph,Beauce,p.Q.
The parentt3 of olivier were Olivier and Marie Veilleux who were
married AU9017,1841 at st~FranTois,Beaucee
The parents of the second Olivier wer~ Rene~D. and M.Louise Joli-
coeur who were married Oct~24,l815 at steFran~ois,Beauce.
The parents of Rene-Do were Dominique and M~Josette Boucher who
were married Jan.ll,1772 <"'! civil marriaqe contract by crepin.
The parents of no.1nique ware DOminique and his first wife
Gitn'vilve Pare who were married Jan.10,1146 at s't"J'oachim,P.a.
He married as second wife Thei'~se cr~peau June 22,1750 at ChCt-
The parents of the second Dominique ~rQ Dominique and his first
wife G~'vi~v~ Gravel who were married Mar.14,1721 - civil mar-
riage contract by Rageot. He married as second wife M.Josette
Berthelot Octo29 1721 at Ste Anne de BeauprsgP.Q."
The parents of the third Dominique were Jean and Louise Pare Who
were married Ncv.14,1661at Ste Anne de Beauprso
The parents of Jean were Jacques and Maria Violette of the parish
of Maru, in Picardie,dioc~se of aeauvais,France. His wife Louise
was the dauqhter of Robert and FJ:anjo1s8 L~houx.