Page 115 - index
P. 115
S'dillot who were married Mar o 6,1679 at Quebec Cityo
The parents of Pierre were Jean and Suzanne Allbineau who were
married in France o Pierre was from St-Vivien, diocese of La Ro-
chelle,France o His wife McMadeleine was the daughter of Etienne
and of Madeleine Carbonneto Pierre had a brother who also came
to canada Andr~who married Marie Bedard Feb~17,1681 at Quebec~
She was the daughter of Isaac and Marie Girardo Many descendants
of this family have adopted the name of Leclerc instead of Au-
clair which is the original family name of Pierre and Andre.
ARTHUR J. was born Sept.2,l894 and died at the age of 86 in a
local Nursing Home after a long illness~ He was born in Biddeford,
Me. He was son of Joseph and zephirine Chagnon who were married
Oct.l4,1817 at Biddeford,MeG
His wife was Bertha Blais who died in 1960 .. They had a son Leo
R. of Biddeford and 3 daughters:MrSeRobert(Rita)Roy of NO~ood,
Mass and Mrs Gerard(Claire) Lasante of Dover"N".H. and Mrs c~el
(Theresa)Saucier of Biddeford o Her surviving relatives were 3
sisters ¥~s.Alva Cabana and ~tts Florence Binette and Mrs Alice
Nolette all of Biddeford and 9 gr~ldchildrena She attended local
schools - want to W 0 W.II and was employed at the Saco-Lowell
Shops for many years
His grandparents were Moise and Marie Carrier who were married
Oct.26,1841 at La Baie du FebvrecP.Qe
The parents of Moise were Charles and Catherine cat~who were
married July 15~1811 at La Baie du FebvreoPeQ.
The parents of Charles were Fran~ois and Catherine Martel who
were married Oct.3,l766 at La Baie du Febvre.
The parents of Fran~ois were Franyois and Fran¥oise Niquat who
were married Feb.10 1727 at la Baie du Febvre.
The parents of the second Fran90is were Fran~ois and Franioise
Foucault who were married Feb.5 g 1701 at Three-Rivers,P.Q.
The parents of the third Fran¥ois were Jean and LOllise Marsolet