Page 263 - index
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ARCHIVESDEQUEBEC                           259

                                   18 juillet 1833.
                                   Procès-verbal  of  James Ariustrong,  coiilmissioner  of
                              Roads for the township of  Hinchinbrook, of  a Road on tlie
                               south side of  the River C'ti,?teauguap passing between  the
                              lots 213 iii the 4, 5, 6, 7? 8 ranges  (with plan).
                                   13 août 1833.
                                   Procès-verbal  of  Jaines Ariustrong, comniissiorier  of
                              Roacls for the townsliip of  Hincllinbrool;, of  a by road bet-
                              weeii lots nos 9 et 10 in the 4th raiige of  Hii~cliinhroolr.
                                   15 mai 1832.
                                   Procès-verbal of  Jaiiies Armstrong.  comiuissioiier  of
                               lZoads for tlie township  of  Hiiicliiribroolc, of  a by road in
                               the townsliip of  Hincliinbrook, from Win Morrison to the
                               Province line.
                                   11 juin 1834.
                                   Procès-verbal of  James Ar111sti+ong, commissioner of
                              Roads for the township of  Hinchinbrook, of  a ))y-road on
                               the first concession in Hincihinbrook.
                                   10 septembre 1834.
                                   Procès-verbal  of  James Arnistrong, coininissioner  of
                               Roads for the towusliip of  Hiiichiribrook, of  a  front road
                               hetween the first and second coiicessions of  Hinchinbrook.
                                   30 décembre 1834.
                                   Procès-verbal  of  Janies Arinstroiig,  comlissiorier of
                               Roads for the township of  Hinchinbrook, of  a  road frorn
                               Hinchinbrook to the Beauharnois seigneury line.
                                   30 décembre 1834.
                                   Procès-verbal  de  James Armstrong, eornniissaire des
                               chemins  et  ponts  pour  le  canton  de Hiiiciliiubrook,  pour
                               l'ouverture  d'un  chenlin ail second  rang du dit canton de
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