Page 262 - index
P. 262
the 6 th and 7 th concession, township of Hincininbrook
(with plan).
5 juillet 1833.
Procès-verbal of James A~instrong, connnissionei. of
Roads for the township of Hincl~inb~ook, of a bridge over
Trout River between 1st and second concessions, also the
bridge over Châteauguay River: a road from Trout River
on the Divisional line betweeu 1st and second ranges, a
front road on the divisional li~ie froni Trout River, between
2rd and 3rd ranget: and a Road frorn Tïout River on the
divisional line between the 3rd Itange a.nd tlie Crown and
Clergy Reserves (wit,li plan).
8 juillet 1833.
Procès-verbal of Jarnes Anristrong, commissioner of
Roads for the t,ownsllip of Hin~hi~ribrook, of a by road from
the south side of the River Châteauguay to the province
line, also a Bridge a.rross the River Hinchinbrook and one
across the River Allard ( 9) (witli plan).
10 juillet 1833.
Procès-verbal of James Ai~nstrong, commissioner of
Roads for the township of Hincllinbrook, of a Road from
the King's Highway on the River Châteauguay to John
Manning, Esq., on the divisioii liiie between the 6th and 7th
concessions township of Hincliiribrook (+th plan).
18 juillet 1833.
Procès-verbal of James Ai:instrong, comrnissioner of
Roads for the township of Hinchinbrook, of a Road on the
south side of the River 'hàteauguay thence in a southerly
direction to the province line, aIiso a public, bridge across
the River Outard between lots nos 2 et 3 on the 5th Range,
township of Hinchinbrook.