Page 35 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 35

FOURTlI  .4NNUAL  REPOBT.            3 8

                                 transmitted through the medium of  the Smithsonian Institution;
                                 and 821 to Historical and  other Societics in the Unitcd  States.
                                 It may be added, that about two-thirds of  the volunics are State
                                 Laws, Journals and  Documents  of  Wisconsin;  and the  remain-
                                 ing third is made up of the Society's two volumes of  Collections,
                                 Documentary  History  of  Wisconsin,  State  Agricultural  Soci-
                                 ety's  Transactions, History of  Rock County, Hunt's  Wisconsin
                                 Gazetteer, Milwaukee and  Madison  Directories;  and  the pam-
                                 phlets relative to  Milwaukee,  Watertown,  Pond  du Lac county,
                                 Winnebago  county,  Madison,  La  Crosse,  Racine,  Prairie du
                                 Chien,  Geological Survey, our Colleges, Railroads,  State Insti-
                                 tutions, &c.  We  have  reason to belicve,  that this is much the
                                 largest collection ever distributed by any similar  society in the
                                 Union, and  we  may confidently cxpect  librral  returns  both to
                                 the State Library, acd that of  our IIistorical  Society.
                                   This mass of  information  about  Wisconsin,  its  history,  pro-
                                 gress and resourccs, cannot but exert n, favorable influence upon
                                 the reputation  of  our State and Society both in our own country
                                 and in  Europe.  It is gratifying  to  add, that we have recently
                                 been appraised by M.  VATTEMARE of  thc receipt of  the several
                                 boxes sent him,  and of  his  transmission  of  the first fruits from
                                 his  side of  the  Atlantic  of  this  pleasant  international literary
                                 intercourse;  and which, we hope, may reach our State in safety.

                                   The  Thi~d Annual  Report and  Collections of  the  Society,
                                 making a volume of  556 pages-a   portion  of  the  edition being
                                 printed on good paper, and neatly bound in muslin-has  recently
                                 been issued.  So far at least. as  its typographical appearance is
                                 concerned,  it is alike creditable  to the  Stitte  and  the  Society.
                                 The eagerness with  which  our  volumes  are  sought  by kindred
                                 societies, and by persons  engaged  in  preparing  works  for the
                                 press on the  history,  geography and  statistics  of  the  West in
                                 general, and Wisconsin  in particular, affords  sufficient  proof  of
                                 their intrinsic worth  and  usefulness.  Their  real worth to our
                                 State, can never be estimated by mere dollars and cents.
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