Page 34 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 34


                                    J.  MCMURTRIE, P.  I?.  ROTIIERMEL, WILLIAM HART, W.  D.
                                    WASHINGTON, JOHN  FRANCIS, ALVAH BRADISH, JOHN
                                    PHILLIPS, and  A. HESLER.  The  subjects  have  not  generally
                                    been  determined;  those  which  have  been,  are-portrait   of
                                    JACKSON, JOHNSON; an historical piece, by JOHN FRANKEN-
                                    STEIN ; and  a  copy oi  his  original  portrait  of  the  venerable
                                    Seneca Indian chief,  Gov.  BLACKSNAKE, PHILLIPS. These
                                    will prove honorable free-will offerings from artists of the highest
                                    rank in  our country,  and  will  greatly  add  to  the interest and
                                    attraction  of  our Picture  Gallery  alrcady enriched by the skill
                                    and  genius  of  thc  two SULLYS, CATLIN, CROPSEY, FAQNANI,
                                    I?LAGQ, BROOKES, STEVENSON, EDWARDS, HEAD, CARPENTER,
                                    STANLEY, JOHXSTON HARRISON.

                                       We have hitherto been thwarted  in our desires to carry com-
                                    pletely into  effect our  system of  foreign and  domestic literary
                                    exchanges.  We  have  been  receiving  liberally  of  the  gifts of
                                     our sister institutions of  the Union, and from a few abroad, and
                                     had long promised to  repay their  generous  contributions at an
                                     early day.  Our noble  State, always liberal in the promotion of
                                     literature  and  science,  early and  promptly  commissioned  our
                                     Society  to  act  as  the  medium  of  effecting  an  interchange  of
                                     literary commodities, appropriating fifty bound  copies of  every
                                     State publication in furtherence of  this  object, and $100  annu-
                                     ally  to  defray  expenses  of  transmission,  &c.  Meanwhile  we
                                     had  gathered  together  quite  a collection  of  books,  pamphlet0
                                     and documents relating to our  State and its various interests.
                                       But it was only in the past year  that we were able  to obtain
                                    .the means to defray the necessary  expenses;  and these obtained,
                                     nearly  forty  boxes,  and  several  parcels were  transmitted  to
                                     Europe, and the several  IEiskorical  and  other learned Societies
                                     of  this  country-containing   altogether  2,534  volumes,  3,500
                                     pamphlets,  and 1,025 maps,  all relating  to Wisconsin.  Of  the
                                     books, 1,502 were transmitted to Mons.  A. VATTEMARE, Paris,
                                     for his system of International Literary Exchanges;  211 to Anti-
                                     quarian  and  other  learned  Societies of  Great  Britain, to  be
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