Page 202 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 202

                                        Brown county was first  organized by a proclamation  issued
                                      by the Hon.  LEWIS CASS, the present  Secretary  of  State of
                                      the United States, then Governor of  Michigan  Territory, dated
                                      26th of  October, 1818, with  the  following  boundaries:  North
                                      and east  by the present  State line of  Michigan;  south by the
                                      States of  Indiana  and Illinois;  and  west by a  line drawn due
                                      north  from  the  northern  boundary  of  the  State  of  Illinois,
                                      through the  middle  of  the  portage  between  the  Pox  and the
                                      Wisconsin  Rivers,  to the Michigan  line, and  embracing all of
                                      the present  counties of  Iienosha,  Racine,  Milwnukee,  Ozau-
                                      kee,  Sheboygan.  Manitowoc,  Kewaunee,  Door,  Walworth,
                                      Waukesha,  Washington,  Fond  (3u Lac,  Calumet,  Outagamie,
                                      Shawano,  Oconto, Winnebago, Dodge, Jefferson, Rock, Colum-
                                      bia, Marquetke, Waushara, Waupacca, Brown proper, and parts
                                      of  Dane and Green.
                                        The hiskory  of  Brown  County up to  1830 is,  in  fact,  the
                                      history  of  Green Bay, for until about that period there was no
                                      other white  setklement within  its  limits.  I do not, of  course,
                                      now allude to the  present  City  of  Green  Bay, as  it was not
                                      founded  until  some years  after I became  a  resident  of  Wis-
                                        In the month of  July,  1824,I first landed  upon  the shores
                                      of  the Fox river.  In  September  following,  I came  with my
                                      wife from Mackinaw, having resided at the latter place  for two
                                      years previously.  My  knowledge of  the early  history of  the
                                      State commenced  at that  period,  and  has  continued uninter-
                                      rupted until the present time.  I have ever since my first arri-
                                      val continued a resident here,  and with no desire to arrogate to
                                      myself  any particular merit, may,  I think, be permitted to say
                                      that I have been, to some extent, identified  with  the history of
                                      the  country.  Through  all  the  vicissitudes  and  alternations
                                      connected with her history, I have (with a few other of  her pio-
                                      neers) remained a firm believer in her future prosperity.  Ever
                                      true to her interest, I have disregarded the advice of  friends to
                                      change  my  residence,  with  a  view to  bettering my condition,
                                      and treated  with  contempt the sneers  and  scoffs of  those who
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