Page 201 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 201

                                                         OF  THE
                                 EARLY  HISTORY  OF  NORTHERN  WISCONSIN.*

                                        BY  IION. HENRY  S.  BAIRD,  OF GREEN  BAY.
                                   To  take a retrospect of  the past,  to record  the events  con-
                                nected  with the early history of  the country,  to note the char-
                                acteristics of  its early inhabitants,  to  delineate  the privations
                                and hardships  experienced  by its pioneers,  in its early settle-
                                ment,  and compare them with the  present  condition of  things,
                                is a  useful  and  laudable  undertaking.  It  will  serve  to keep
                                entire the chain that  connects the past  with the  present gene-
                                ration,  and  it  will  soon  be the only  record  left  of  a class of
                                people fast fading  from the view of  those who now  occupy the
                                stage of  public life.
                                  Influenced by  such considerations,  and at the request of  the
                                committee who honored me with an invitation to address you, I
                                have undertaken what,  I fear, I shall but  imperfectly perform,
                                that is, to give some  "Recollections  of  the  Early  History  of
                                Northern Wisconsin."   In confining  my  remarks to Northern
                                Wisconsin, it  does not  follow  that they  may not,  to a certain
                                extent,  apply to  the  entire  State;  for at  the  period  where I
                                commence,  there  was but one  settlement in  any other part of
                                State-that   one at  Prairie du Chien,  on the Mississippi.T  I
                                propuse to  speak of  events  and transactions  with which  I am
                                familiar,  that  transpired  in  the  portion  of  the  State known
                                thirty-five  ycars ago as "Brown  county,"  when  it comprised
                                about one half  of  the present  State.

                                  * This was originally delivered as a Lecture before the Green Bay Lyceum,
                                Jan.  19th,  1859, and  published, by  resolution  of  the  Society,  in the  Green
                                Bay Advocate,  Feb. 24th, 1859.                 L.C.D.
                                  +At LaPointe  was a  small  settlement,  but  its  businesa  nnd  commercial
                                relations were entirely with Mackinaw and Detroit.   L.C.D.
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