Page 7 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 7


                               Introductory. ......................................................
                               List of  Officers for 1858.  ............................................ 5
                               List of  Officersfor 1859.  ............................................  6
                               Objects of  Collection desired by the Society.  ..........................  8
                               Charter cf  the Society.   .............................................  9
                               Constitution of  the  Society.  .........................................  11
                               Fourth Annual Itep~rt.  .............................................  17
                               Fifth Annual Report.  ...............................................  45
                                treasurer:^  Reports for 1857 and 1858.  ............................  69.  71
                               Donors to the Library. 1357. 1853.  ................................. 73.  75
                               Donors of  Pamphlets. Docurncnts and  hlnps.  .......................... 77
                               Periodicals received.  1857 and 1858.  ..................................  78
                               Report on Picture Gallery.   .........................................  80
                               Annual Address.  by Hon  . John Y  . Smith.  .............................  117
                               Child'a  Recollections of  Wisconsin.  ................................... 163
                               Baird's  Recollections of  the Early History  of  Northern  Wisconsin.  ...... 191
                               Brunson's  Early History of  Wisconsin.  ...............................  223
                               Commercial  IIistory of  hfilwaukec~ ................................... 253
                               Sketch of  the Brothcrtown  Indians. .................................. 291
                               Rev . Cutting Marsh on  the Stockbridges.  .............................  299
                               Konk%pot7s Lnst of  the  hlohegsns  ....................................  303
                               Death of  John W . Quinney. ......................................... 309
                               Quinney's  Speech on Stockbridgo  Traditionary History. ............... 313
                               Quinney's  Memorial  to Congress ..................................... 321
                               Early Times in Sheboygan  County. .................................. 335
                               Early Event8 in the Four Lake Country. .............................. 343
                               North-Eastern Boundary of  Wisconsin. ............................... 351
                               Public Land Survey ; Latitude and Longitude of  Wisconsin. ............ 359
                               Man-Shaped  Mounds of  ZVisconsinl  ................................... 365
                               Brunson on the Death of  Tecumseh.  .................................  369
                               Kingston on the  Death of  Tecumsch. ................................ 975
                               First Grarc in Watcrtown. ......................................... 377
                               Early Settlement of  La Crosse and  Monroe Counties. .................. 363
                               On the Latitude and  Longitude of  Milwaukee. Prairie du  Chien. Rncine
                                  and Madison. ................................................. 393
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