Page 3 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 3


                                THE FOURTH VOLUIIE  Reports  and  Collections  of   the
                                State Historical  Society of   Wisconsin, is  presented  to the
                                public, like its predecessors,  as a sort of  melange of  his-
                                torical fragments.  The successive volumes sent forth by
                                the  Society, have met with  a  friendly  reception  by  the
                                friends  of  historical literature,  at home  ancl abroad ; ~nd
                                the avidity with which they are sought and cited affords
                                good  evidence  that  they are accomplishing the main  ~b-
                                jects  of  their  publication,  namely : disseminating widely
                                and usefully thc interesting story of  the  settlement  and
                                progress  of  our fair SBte, and holding  out the varied  in-
                                ducements  it  presents  for  an  agreeable  home  for  the
                                enterprising emigrant.
                                   The  present  volume  contains  a  number  of  valuable       /
                                papers,  generally relating to a more modern  period  than
                                Inany  given  in  former issues.   The  real  glory of  Wis-
                                consin dates  from  1834  or  '35,  when  thc  settlement of
                                the country  by the hardy Anglo-Saxon race  commenced
                                in good earnest ; when civilization, religion and education
                                were  planted  pernlanently  in  the  country.  Such a pe-
                                riod deserves to be commemorated on  the  historic page,
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