Page 75 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 75

Vert  - diagonal  lines  bend  wise
                               Barp - Tais is not a common charge
                               but  frequentIy  found  in  connection  drawn  cIose  together,
                               with  Ireland.  Generally  the  harp  is
                                                                  Purpure  - diagonal  lines  bend-
                               plain  but  on  occasions, particularly  sinister wise drawn close together.
                               in  later  Heraldry,  it  is  decorated
                                                                  Sanguine  - diagonal  lines  bend-
                               with  the head and wings of  an angel.  wise  and  bend-sinister  wise  drawn
                               It  is generally  stringed  of  another  close  together.
                                                                  Tenné - diagonal  lines bend-wise
                               tincture than the frame.
                                                                and  vertical  lines  drawn  close  to-
                               Harpy - An imaginary creature not  gether.
                               classified  as  a  monster  represented
                                                                  Unfortunately  no  method  has
                               as  a  vulture  with  the  head  and  ever  been  discovered  whereby
                               breast  of  a  woman.
                                                                charges,  etc.,  emblazoned  in  tileir
                                                                proper  colours  could  be  treated  in
                                                                this  way.
                                                                  Hatching  is  not  used  in  tricking
                                                                Watchment  - See  Funeral  Hatch-
                                                                Hauriant  - An  expression  used  to
                                                                describe  a  fish  palewise  with  the
                                                                Hawk - A bird sirnilar in type to the
                               Harrow  - Two  forms  of  harrow  falcon  frequently  also  found  bellecl
                               may  be  found  in  charges;  one  is  and  jessed.
                               square  the  other  triangular.  The
                               shape  must  be  stated  in  blazon.
                                                                Hawk's Be11 - A small circular bel1
                                                                which  is  artached  to the hawk's  leg
                              Hart - Found  both as a charge and  by  means  of  a  jesse  or  tl~ong of
                               as  one  of  the  early  Royal  Sup-  leather.  Sometimes  found  as  a
                                                                charge  by  itself.
                                                                Hawk's  Lure  - A  decoy  used  in
                              Hatching - Frequently.  particularly   head  upwards.
                               in  old-fashioned books on Heraldry,
                               in  order  to  give  some  realism  to
                              illustrations  a  form  of  decoration
                               was  given  to  each  of  the  Heraldic
                              colours. These were  as foiiows:
                                 Argent - left plain,
                                Or - rows of  black  spots,
                                Azure  - horizontal  lines  pIaced
                               close together,
                                Gules - perpendicular lines placed
                               close together.
                                Sable - horizontal  and  werpendi-
                              cular  lines drawn close togeth&,            Hawk's  Lure
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