Page 67 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 67

standing on three legs and provided  Eton  College;  the  rose  which  is
                              with  handles.
                                                                wild  dog  rose,  norrnally  with  five
                                                                petals  but  occasionally  superim-
                                                                posed by another smaller one also of
                                                                five  petals:  the  thistle  which  is  the
                                                                well  known  floral  emblem  of  Scot-
                                                                land:  and  the  various  foils  from
                                                                trefoil  to eight foil.
                                                                  Other  less  well  known  fiowers
                                                                may  be  found  including  the  lotus,
                                                                teasel,  gilly  flower,  blue  bottle,
                                                                columbine,  sunflower  and  gentian,
                                                                but the blazon must give full details.
                                                                Flakes - These refer to the points of
                              FleoIcdelis - There  has  been  con-  an anchor  which  may  be  blazoned
                              siderable  controversy  with  regard  of  a different  tincture.
                              to  the  origin  of  this  bearing  some
                              believing  it  to  represent  the  lily,  Foliated - Having leaf-like cusps.
                              others  the  iris  and  some  even  the
                                                                Forcené - A  word  used  in  connec-
                              iron  head  of  a  warlike  weapon.
                                It  featured  distinctively  in  the  tion with  a horse when standing  on
                              bearings  of  the Kingdom  of  France  his  hind  legs  representing  rage.
                              and  it  has  also  appeared quartered
                                                                Formé - Describes a cross the arms
                              with  the  arms  of  England.
                                The Fleur-de-lis has been used  in  of  which are splayed out by straight
                              many  cases  to  decorate  ordinaries.  lines.
                              sub-ordinaries  and  charges.  It
                              appears  on  the  Royal  Crown  and  Fountain  -  The  fountain  most
                              various  coronets  and  in  numerous  generally  used  in  Heraldry  is  a
                              other positions, including, of  course,  roundle  barry  wavy  of  six,  argent
                                                                and azure, representing water. There
                              the  Royal Tressure  of  Scotland.
                                                                are,  however,  occasions  where  the
                              Fleury, Flory - An expression used  natural  fountain has  appeared  as a
                              to  denote  that  a charge is  adorned  charge.
                              with  fleurs-de-lis.
                              Flexeà - Bent  or bowed.          represented by a stylised form of  the
                              Flighted - Refers to the feathers of
                              an arrow.
                              Flory - Alternative for fleury (q.v.).
                              Flotant - Floating.
                                                                Fonrchh - Forked.
                              Flowers  - A  number  of  difTerent
                              fiowers  appear  as Heraldic  charges  Fox - The animal of  that name.
                              other than the fleur-de-lis (q.v.).
                                Chief  among  them  are  the  lily  Fret  - A  bendlet  and  a  bendlet
                              which  may be  found  in  the  amis of  sinister  ioterlaced  with  a  mascle.
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