Page 60 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 60

are   in whicb                                                       firm.

                                                  prelates   archipiscopal                                             yet   not

                                                  Some  archbishops,  these   of   often  9ey  use   tare   insignia   These  insignia


                                                              No other             other   No   other   No             other   No

                                        No.  atid   of  Colour   Tmek   side   each   10   Red   Red   Red   Violet      Violet

                                          of   Hat            6                    6           6                       6
                                          Colorrr   Ecclcsim-   tical   VioIet   and   Violet   numero   Violet   Par-   Violet   Rota   three   Sig-   by   Black

                                                  di Eiorcheito '. (The Vice-cham-   Roman Church,   Holy   the   Treasurer   The  General.   Chamber  the Apostolic   Holiness   His   titular)   (except  Protonotary   de   '  Protpnotaries   the Sacred  Secretanes of   Congregations   Charnber  His  Holiness'   of  of  the Apostolic Signature   the Roman  Rota  the Secretary  of State   of  and Administrators   office   of   term   their   during   Protonotaries  Apostolic   instar   ad  Protonotaries  '   the Sacred Roman  the Apostolic Chamber   Signature  the Apostolic   the   of  Members   Prelature   Apatolic   the   of

                                                  7.  berlingue  Frelate '   of   Auditor   The   of  General  the  Majordomo of   Apastolic   8.   ApostoIic   (a)   Partium   Partici   and  (b) Assessors   Roman   Master   The   (c)   The Secretary   (ci)   of  (e) The Dean  2 (0 The Deputy  Pref-   Vicars   The   (g)   Apostolic   Supemumary   (h)   Apostolic   (i)   liciparlium   9.  Damestic Prelate   (a) The Auditors of   The Cierks  of   (b)   of  The Voters   (c   Confirmecl   The   cd,   of  colleges   Referenders   The   (e)   nature   Apostolic   (f) All   apostolic brief   Chamberlain   Privy   IO.   Holiness   îo
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