Page 51 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 51

merchant  navy.  (c)  Astral  crown.  from  the influence  of  Islam. A11  but
                             This  consists  of  a  circlet  rising  to  the  first.  in  which  Jerusalem  was
                             eight points on its circumference, on  captured  and  after which  the King-
                             four  of  which  are  rnounted  stars  dom of  Jenisalem  and  a number  of
                             each  star  being  placed  between  a  principalities were set up, were abor-
                             pair  of  elevated  wings.  (d)  Crown  tive.
                             Valjary  and  Palisade  Crown  are
                                                                 They  are  largely  of  interest  to
                             both  derived  £rom defensive works.  students  of  Heraldry  because  thcy
                             They are very similar to look at and  were  instrumental  in  providing  the
                             are  often  used  interchangeably.  reason  for  the  introduction  of  the
                             Each  consists  of  a  circlet  sur-  surcoat  and  the  mântIing  and  they
                             mounted  by  a  number  of  projec-  helped  considerably  in  the  rapid
                             tions.  In  the  case  of  the  Crown  spread  of Heraldry.
                             Valfary  they  are  similar  to  the
                             figures  used  in  the  representation  Cniciily - Semé of  cross crossIets.
                             of  the  fur vair  and  in  the  Palisade
                             Crown  they  resemble  the  top  haIE  Cnbit Am - An  arm cooped  at the
                             of  a  spear point.  (e) Eastern crown.  elbow.
                             A  cùclet  surmounted  by  eiglit  in-
                             verted ' v ' shaped projections five of  Cuff  - In cases where  the  cuff  is to
                                                               be  of  a  dzerent  tincture  from  the
                                                               remainder  of  the  sleeve  the  fact
                                                               must  be  so stated  in blazon.
                                                               Cup  - Tl-rere are  several  different
                                                               types  of  cup occurring in  Heraldry
                                       Crown  Vallary
                                                               but  that  most  commonly  found
                                                               resembles  a  plain  chalice with  stem
                                                               and  foot.  If  it  is  to  have  handIes
                                                               the fact rnust be  so stated. If  it has
                                                               a  lid  it  'is  termed  a  covered  cup
                                                               Culion  - A  square  or  lozenge
                                       Eastern  Crown
                                                               shaped  pillow,  generally  with  a
                                                               tasse1 at each  corner.
                                                               Cydas - A  form  of  surcoat  con-
                                                               siderably longer at the back than  at
                                                               the  front.
                                                               Cypher  - A  monogram  sotnelimes
                                     Edward  II's  Crown      found  as part  of  a charge in Heral-
                                                               dry but  more  generally  as a  badge
                             which can be seen by  the viewer, (f)  e.g.  The  present  Royal  cypher
                             Celestial  Crown.  This  is  similar  to  E.lT.R. ensigned  with  a  crown.
                             the Eastern Crown but has a star at
                             the point of  each ray.           Clarenœnx  - One  of  the  senior
                                                              Officers of  h s .  (q.v.).
                             Crusades - These  were  the  expedi-
                             tions  aime. to  free  the Holy Land
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