Page 25 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 25
Richard il. The sun in splendeur
Richard m. A rose within the
and aiso a white hart couchant on
a mount under a tree proper gorged
The House of Tudor. Tùe red and
with a a-own and chained Or.
white roses variously united some-
thes per pale. sometimes quarterly
but generally one within the other,
also a portcullis.
Henry WI. A Hawthom bush
fructed and Royally crowned be-
tween the letters H.R. Or. Also a
red dragon
Henry VTII. A white greyhound.
Queen Mary. The dexter half of
a double rose proper impaled with
a semi-circle therein a sheaf of
arrows Or. The whole rayonnant
and ensigned with a Royal Crown.
White Hart (Richard IT)
The House of Lancaster. A red
Henry IV. A genet and an eagle
displayed Or.
Henry V. A beacon Or in0amed
proper and an antelope gorged with
a crown and chained.
Henry W. Two feathers in saitire
the sinister argent surmounred of
the dexter Or.
The House of York. A white rose,
Edward IV. A falcon displayed
Rose and Pomegranatc
argent within a closed fetterlock.
(Mary 1)
Or and a bull sable.
Queen Elizabeth 1. A rose with
the motto ' rosa sine spina '.
Omat Britain and Ireland
(Elizabeth Il)