Page 200 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 200

issued   City  and  b/d   office   by   Staie.   of   on   Dept. of   and  1853-1896   dates   Dept   b/d occurred.   from   death   since   Belling-   Spokane.   may be   City   1907 write Auditor   b/d   wbere

                                              Cat%ed copies   by Town   where   Clerks   occurred or   Secreîary   of   idonnation   For  registration procedures,  how to correct a record   etc., write   Hdth.   Records   14/6/1912.   since   these  Ektween   Health   &te   where   records from   Birth   1906,   1 /7/   1/1/1906.   Records on fde   1873.   Records from   /7/1907. In   1   SeattIe,   ham,   Tacoma a copy   from  obtained  Hca1t.h Dept. Before   July   county   of   occurred.

                                         Vital     Vermont   Statistics   Burlington,   20.               Dept.   General   Washington

                                         of   Statistics   State,   of  Vital   Division, Vermont Dept.   Vital  Statistics. State Dept. of  Health, 1227 West Broad   Richmond   Vitai   Vital  Statistics, Christiansted,  Croix. Virgh Islands  Public Health Statistics   State   Administration Building,

                                         Aaiiress   Secretary  of  Division   Montpelier,   Health   Public   Heaith.   of   Vermont   Bureau of   Street,   Virginia   Registrar of  Statistics. Charlotte  Amalie, St. Thomas,   Islands   Virgin   of  Registrar   St.   Section,  214   Health,   Olympia,

                                         Sme   Vermont                  Virginia     Virgin Lslands   Thomas   St   (US)   Croix   St.   Washington
   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205