Page 178 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 178

records   1905.   before that   County   has records   records   to   county   1897.   that   to Registrar   records   file   1855   no   but

                                         has   1st July   to   in county   sinct   1907 write   where birth or death   State Onice has records   before   of Vital Statistics of  town  or death occurred.  city where   State Offjce has  1861  but no records available   1863-1881.  on   records   with   records   1871  death records were fiid  during the Civil War.

                                         State CMim   since   records   For   date write   Recorders   event.   of   Central Offie has   records   1904.   May   State Ofke   since 1907. For   before   County Clerk in   occurred.   since 1st July   records   For   write   date   or   birth   beginning with   for   Death   beginning   birth   and   beginning

                                         Vital   & Data   Health  15 St. Sacramento 14.   Statistics Clerk,   Balboa  Bureau,  Zone   Canal   of  State Dept.   11th Av.,   Colorado.   Statistics.  Section. State Dept. of   15,  Hadord   Vital   HeaIth,   of   Delaware   Public   Statistics   Vital   1028,   Av.,  NW Washington 1, D.C.

                                         of                      Records & Sîatistics   Public Healîh,   East   Public HeaIth   HeaIth, State Office   COMX~~CU~   of   Board   Dept. of   Section, Room   Indiana
                                         Bureau   Statistics.   Processing,   State Dept.,   63   California   Vital   Health   Heights,   Section,   4210   Denver 20,   Building,   Bureau   Statistics,   State   Dover,   D.C.   Health,   300

                                                         Canai Zone   Colorado   Connecticut                 of   District   Columbia
   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183