Page 138 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 138

Records  held  at  Guildhall.  preserved  at the  Public  Archives  of
                                  These  show  the  volunteer's  Canada,  Ottawa.
                                  originaI unit. Enlistment  papers
                                  in  original unit will  be found  in
                                                                 RECORDS OF  SERVICE IN  INDIA.
                                  (ii)  Imperia1  Yeomanry  -  Scrvice  records  of  the  Regular
                                  Soldiers  Documents  (W.0.128/  Army  in  India  will  be  found  in
                                  165)  South  African  Local  rnany of the sources mentioned. The
                                  Armed  Forces  (i)  Enrollmenf  record  of a man's  discharge appear-
                                  Forms;  showing place  of  birth.  ing  in  the  Muster  of  a  regiment  in
                                  age,  next  of  kin  (W.O.126/ 1)  India  gives no  particulars  about  tlie
                                  (ii)  Nominal  Rolls  (W.0.127/  man.  Casualty  Rerurns  often  men-
                                                               tion  the  wife's  name  as next of  kin
                                                               j.e.  when  the  soldjer  has  actually
                                                               djed. Muçters  of  regirnents in  India
                              British  Regular Soldiers who served
                                                               1883-18S9  are to be found in
                                         African War  were,  for  16,2751-2887).  There  are  no  Mus-
                              the greater part, destro~ed b~ enemy
                                                               terç  Liere  of Ar[i]lery or Engineers
                              bombing in  World  War  IT'
                                                               India,  A  soldier  discliarged  on  bis
                              which  survived  are  beld  (1967)  at
                                                               return  from  India  will  be  found
                              the :
                                                               ejther  in  the  Depot  Musters  of  his
                                    Army  Record  Centre,
                                                               Regiment  or  1863-1878  in  the
                                      Bourne  Avenue,
                                                                          (W.0.12/ 13077-13105),
                                                               1875-1889  in  the  Musters  of  the
                                The class  of  Medal  Rolls  from  Discharge Depot, Gosport  (W.0.161
                              1793-1904  (W.0.100/ 1-371)  sorne-  2284,  2888-29 16).  Those  of  Euro-
                              times  contain  a  few  details  relating  pean  Oficers  and  soldiers  of  the
                                                               Honourable  East  Tndia  Company's
                              to  the soldier.
                                                               Service and of  the Tndian  (Imperial)
                                                               Army  are  preserved  at  the:
                                                                     India  Office  Records,
                                RECORDS OF  THE AMERICAN WAR
                              OF  INDEPENDENCE  (1776-83)  Muster
                                                                     194 Blackfriars  Road,
                              Books and  Pay Lists of  rnany Regi-
                              ments that took part in this war may
                              be  found;  but  the  Discharge  Certi-
                                                                 BOOKS OP REFERENCE.
                              ficates of  men  discharged  in  North
                              Arnerica, showing place of  birth and   Musters  of  the  Victoria  Hospital,
                                                                 The following may  be  found  use-
                              age.  can  very  seidom  be  traced.  A  ful, in addition to those already men-
                              man's  name,  rank  and  date  of  dis-  tioned:
                              charge  rnay  appear,  but  it  js  very  Army  Lists  (Printed  from  1760).
                              unlikely  that  anything  else  will  be  Hart's Army  Lisfs, from  1840.
                              found.                           C. Dalton:  English  Army  Lisfs and
                                For Hessian Troops, certain Regi-   Commission Rrgisters  1661-1714.
                              mental  Pay  Lists  have  been  pre-  Col.   Kingsley-Foster:   Military
                              served. besides  Account  Books, etc.   Generai Service Medal 1793-1814.
                              Here  again  a  man's  name  may  be  Lists  by  Regiments  of  al1  officers
                              found  jn  a  Pay  List,  but  with  per-  and  men  who  received  the  medals
                              sonal  details  only  in  a  few  cases.   when  issued  in  184647:
                                Loyalist  Regiment  Muster  RoIls  C.  Dalton:  Waterloo Roll.  List  of
                              1777-1783  (ProvinciaI  troops)  are   regirnents  and  officers  who  took
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