Page 94 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 94

Page  No.        9 3
                                                         WOODLAWN  CEMETERY
                                                         Cumberland  Street
                                                         Cornwall,  Ontario

               REC.  LNAME                  NAME 1             NAME2             NEENAME                 BORN  Dl ED  AGE

               0093 MCTAGGART               Lambton
               0094 MCTAGGART               Mora                                 CAMPBELL
               0330 MCTAV 1 SH              Grace
               0464 MCTAV ISH               Isabel la                             (FRIENDI
               0472 MCTAV ISH               Isabel la                            CAMERON
               0458 MCTAVISH                Lois
               047 1  MCTAV ISH             Tavish
               0170 MEADD                   Beatri  ce                           CORNFORTH
               0169 MEADD                   Howard             EL  L  iott
               0393 MEADER                  Catherine                            TAIT
               0395 MEADER                  James
               0034 MEADOWS                 Ernest
               0721 MEADOWS                 FI orence          M                  (BELLAMY)
                1132 MEEK                   Al exander         Duncan
               0078 MEEK                    Al ice                                LALONDE
               0313 MEEK                    Baby               Judy
               0076 MEEK                    Catherine          Greer              ( FYFE 1
               1129 MEEK                    David
               0310 MEEK                    Ernest             W
     &         0312 MEEK                    Garth              E
               0034 MEEK                    Grace              A                  ( COLEMAN)
               0127 MEEK                    James              Sharp
               0149 MEEK                    James              T
               0372 MEEK                    Jeanie                               SHARP
                1063 MEEK                   Jessle                                ( TAYLOR)
                1130 MEEK                   Joan                                  GREER
               0077 MEEK                    John               Greer
               0216 NEEK                    Judy
               0261 MEEK                    Margaret
               0311 MEEK                    Retha              M
               0150 MEEK                    Rita                                  HAYES
               0260 MEEK                    Thomas
               0371 MEEK                    Thomas
                1 147 MEGEE                 Sarah
                1168 MERKLEY                Ed na                                 ( STEER 1
                1164 MERKLEY                Frankl in
                1165 MERKLEY                Lillian                               MORR I S
               0285 MERKLEY                 Mac  dalen                            (PITTSI
               0415 NERPAW                  Leonard            L
               0963 MERRYWEATHER            Mary               s
                1187 MERTON                 Gordon             Mattice
               0022 METCALFE                Agnes              P                  ANDERSON
               0818 METCALFE                Ethel                                 (APPLETON)
               ,0024 METCALFE               Wal ter            P
                1133 MEYER                  A                  Herbert
      iqii      1129 MEYER                  Ann                M                  MO  IR
               0342 MEYER                   Ei l een           D                  CROS 1 ER
               0040 MEYER                   Fred
               0034 MEYER                   George
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