Page 90 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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--                                 Elizabeth  A.  FOSTER.  born Mar.  30,  1886.
                             P251-UILSON--Tn  loving rnerary of  Jahn
                             WILSON,  1843-1908.   His  wife,  Elizabeth   died  Jan.  23,  1916.
                             G.  FULFORO,  1846-1933.   Their  daughter,
                             Janet  Frances.  1869-1897.        Jahn  6. FflSTFR.  tarn  Mar.  12,  1881,  died
                                                                May 23,  1908.
                                                                Wm.  Robt.  FOSTER,  Jr.,  born  Har.  17,
                             J.H.  YILSON.  1886-1960
                                                                1873,  died Mar.  21,  1900.   lrabella  H.
                                                                tOSTER,  tarn Mar.  6,  1818,  died  Feb.  12,
                             P252-GOIUG--1"  loving rnenory of  John
                             Forrest  GOING,  1893-19L3.  Beloved hur-   1902.
                             band  of Julia  Anna  HOLLAND,  1893-1964.
                             mrir Annie,  1917-1941.   Annie  BROWN,   P260-CLARK--In  loving memory  of  James
                                                                CLARK,  1834-1921.
                             wife  of  hbrose  GOING,  1860-1938.   Daugh-   TAYLOR,  1031-1917.   His wife,  Eleanor
                                                                               Sarah  E.  CLARK,  1874-
                             ter  of  Julia  and  Forest.  Lillian J.   1954.
                             GOING  WEBSTER,  1920-.   Beloved  son  of
                             Lil1i.n  and  Gordon.  Allan  R.  YEBSTER,
                             1947-1978.   (J.O.  Ambrare)       PZ61-YOUNG--In  memory of  Alfred  G.  YOUNG,
                                                                1869-1941.   Beloved  husband  of  Nancy
                             -                                  CLARK,  1810..
                             PZ53--In  loving memory of  Beatrice  May
                             OAVIOSON,  uife  of  Jamer  HcRAE.  died   P26Z-BOHLL-In  memary of  Hilliam  H.  BOHL.
                             Harch  19,  1912,  aged  27  yrs.   m. Beloved  husband  of Laura
                             Not  lost but  gorie  before.      Belle  80YO.
                             James  Alex  WcRAE,  1865-1950.
                             PZ54-HORNER--1"  memory of  our  beloved
                             Bishop,  Rev.  R.C.  HORNER,  B.O.,   Oec.  24,   P263--(lying  flat)  Lance  E.  RICHAROSON.
                             1853,  Sept.  12,  1921.   Faunderof  the   Feb.  7,  1940-July  6,  1958.
                             Holincss Hovement  and  the  Standard
                             Church.   His  beloved  wife.  Annie  E.   P264--(lyiog  flat)  Clifford  Alcx  MOORE,
                             HcOONALO,  Oec.  21,  1865,  Jan.  17,  1939.   Wl 11,  1927,  Sept.  5,  1949.  Our
                                                                beloved  son  P  brother.
                             P255-BOYCE--John  James  BOYCF,  1RSh-1948
                             His  wife.  Jennie  Allen  REA.  1887..   P265-CASSELS--John  CASSELS,  1872-1947.
                            @PO.  ~lmrel BDYCZ.                 His  beloved  wife,  Eliza  Jane  NtlLL,  1814-
                                                                1969.  Harv  Isabel.  Olive  Eliza.
                             P256-BUWIAtl--Richad  S.  RURMAN.  1912-
                             His  wife,  Beatrice  H.  HARSTON,  1921-.
                            Son.  Oale  Rawland  Charler.  1959.
                            With  Christ which  is  far  better.   PZ66-NESBITT--ln  loving rnetnory  of John  T.
                                                               NFSBITT,  1877-1968.   His  wife,  Sarah
                                                               NEILL.  1878-1969
                            P257-STINSON--Edmund  W.  STINSON,  1891-   "~atii the  daybreak."
                            1961.   His  wife,  C.  Olive  NETLL,  1890-   Sir Kt.  Jcmhn  T. $SRITT.
                            1969.   (R.M.  Bert  Granit~ Cn..  Kirigstonl
                                                                PZ67-ANOERSON--1"  loving memory of  George
                            =--In   memory  of Alice  J.  FOSTER,  wife   m  p  m  ,  1957.  Husband  of  I.H.  Emily
                            of  Robert  H.  ROE,  died  Rug.  8.  1902.  AE   O'NEIL,  April  4,  1967.
                            25  vrr.
                              or ever  with the  Lord          ---                 SCANNELL,  1854-
                                                               1928.  His  wife,  Margaret  WILSON.  1866-
                            PZ59-FOSTER--Wm.  Robert  FOSTER,  tarn  Feb.   1900.  Also  his wife,  Margaret  OETTZ,
                            17.  1847,  6ieP  Feb.  75.  1899.  His  wife,   18L6-1909.   Son.  Howard.  1881-1903.
                            Alice  SPARKS,  barn July  15.  1852,  died   Oaughter,  5.  Evel~ne. 1893-1971.   Son,
                            Oct.  24,  1897.                   John  Isaac,  1890.1893,   Charles  SCANNELL.
                                                               1891..   And  hi5 uife,  Muriel  BURTCH.  1901-
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