Page 83 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 83

---                                uife.  Martha  SWAN.  1856-1939.   Daughter.
                         P103-HYLANO--1n  memory  of James  Edward,
                         1879-1 960.                        Martha.  1893-1950.
                         Pl04--(lying  flat  af  foot  ol PI031
                         --                                 Uilliam A.  CRAIG,  1095-1960.   His  uife,
                         Edward  HYLANO,  driver,  C.A.F.   C.E.F   Mabel  E,  CRPIG,  1900-1975.
                         11  Jan.,  1960.  age  80.
                                                            Forever  with  the  Lord.
                         P~O~-STONE--(L~L~~ In memory  of
                         ---            flat)               P117-CUTLER--(uooden)   Joseph,  1862-1950.
                         Emilj~~REEN, 1879-1951.   uife  of   Role.  1874-1964.
                         Willlam  STONE,  1875-1957.
                                                            P118-POSTER--Audrey  5.  DYNES,  1899-1974.
                         PlU6-GOOW1AR--ienneth  GOODMAN,  1893-1 975   Beloved  wife  of Robert  J.  FOSTER.
                         Infants,  Kenneth,  Mar.  6,  1915.  Nephew.
                         May  23,  1916.                    Rest  in peace.
                                                            P119--(footstone  only)  hther
                         P107-CURREh--(Lying  flat!  Uilliaa  CURREN   -.
                         18/4-1958.   His  *ife.  Agnes  SMITH.  1890-
                         PIOB--(lying  [:at:#   Frankly"  E.  UHITI,
                         0.5.0..  C  3.  Lieutenant  Colonel  L.S.H.
                         (R.C.)   4  Apr.,  1954,  age  44.
                                                            P171--(Ly1n~ flat)  In laving  memory  of
                                                            Elizabeth WEPTHERALL,  pasred  away  Feb.
                         PlO9-YHIlC--Lt.CoI.   LC.  WHITE.  D.S.0..   11,  1938.
                         torn  Yay  24.  1909.  died April  4,  1954.   Gone  but not  forgotten.
                         Lhnald  Burton  UHITE,  torn  Dec.  29,  1907,
                         died  Jan.  8,  1969.
                                                            PIZZ-BAYNE--Edythe  H.  STORMONT,  1908-
                                                            1971.   Beloved  wife  of Gordon  A.  BAYNE,
                         P110-WHITE--Lt.Cal.  lienry  Herbert,  1896-   1902-1977.   bnald P.,  1932-1976.
                                                            P123--(iron   nu  inscription)
                                                            union <iacl'.
                                                            P124-SLACK--James  U.  SLACK,  1851-1941.
                                                            Hisi%--ffar.y   Jane  DAVIOSON,  1856-1922.
                         P112-CP,AUFOPD--S~~I~ 1.  STRRTTON,  1908-
                                                            Robert  D.  SLACK.  1878-1935.
                         1952.   Uife  of George  CRAUFORO,  1906-   Agnes  LONG,  1878-1 940   His uife.
                                                            P125-ROSS--Al  fred  M.,  1908-1 939
                                                            P126--Sergeant  William  L.  HERRIMAN,  M.M..
                         PI14-LANCASTER--In  loving rnemry  of   C.A.S.C.   C.T.F.,   4th June,  1942.
                                                            Reit  in peace.
                         David  LANCASTER,  torn  April  24,  1852,
                         died  August  7,  1925.   Elizabeth WILSON,   P127--John  MacDONALO,  died  June 22.  1923.
                         his uife,  torn  Sept.  12,  1854.  died   -
                                                            aged  21  yrr.
                                                            P128-KENREDY--(lying  flat)  In loving
                         P115--(lying  flat ar  foot  of P114)  John   rnemry  af Andrew  KENNEDY.  1894-1957.
                         Frank  LANCRSTER,  1885-1963.  Annie  Mary,
                         1882-1 956.
                                                            P129--In  memory  of A.E.  REYNOLDS,  died
                                                            Nov. 4,  1925.  aged  58  yrs.
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