Page 83 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 83
--- uife. Martha SWAN. 1856-1939. Daughter.
P103-HYLANO--1n memory of James Edward,
1879-1 960. Martha. 1893-1950.
Pl04--(lying flat af foot ol PI031
-- Uilliam A. CRAIG, 1095-1960. His uife,
Edward HYLANO, driver, C.A.F. C.E.F Mabel E, CRPIG, 1900-1975.
11 Jan., 1960. age 80.
Forever with the Lord.
P~O~-STONE--(L~L~~ In memory of
--- flat) P117-CUTLER--(uooden) Joseph, 1862-1950.
Emilj~~REEN, 1879-1951. uife of Role. 1874-1964.
Willlam STONE, 1875-1957.
P118-POSTER--Audrey 5. DYNES, 1899-1974.
PlU6-GOOW1AR--ienneth GOODMAN, 1893-1 975 Beloved wife of Robert J. FOSTER.
Infants, Kenneth, Mar. 6, 1915. Nephew.
May 23, 1916. Rest in peace.
P119--(footstone only) hther
P107-CURREh--(Lying flat! Uilliaa CURREN -.
18/4-1958. His *ife. Agnes SMITH. 1890-
PIOB--(lying [:at:# Frankly" E. UHITI,
0.5.0.. C 3. Lieutenant Colonel L.S.H.
(R.C.) 4 Apr., 1954, age 44.
P171--(Ly1n~ flat) In laving memory of
Elizabeth WEPTHERALL, pasred away Feb.
PlO9-YHIlC--Lt.CoI. LC. WHITE. D.S.0.. 11, 1938.
torn Yay 24. 1909. died April 4, 1954. Gone but not forgotten.
Lhnald Burton UHITE, torn Dec. 29, 1907,
died Jan. 8, 1969.
1971. Beloved wife of Gordon A. BAYNE,
P110-WHITE--Lt.Cal. lienry Herbert, 1896- 1902-1977. bnald P., 1932-1976.
P123--(iron nu inscription)
union <iacl'.
P124-SLACK--James U. SLACK, 1851-1941.
Hisi%--ffar.y Jane DAVIOSON, 1856-1922.
P112-CP,AUFOPD--S~~I~ 1. STRRTTON, 1908-
Robert D. SLACK. 1878-1935.
1952. Uife of George CRAUFORO, 1906- Agnes LONG, 1878-1 940 His uife.
P125-ROSS--Al fred M., 1908-1 939
P126--Sergeant William L. HERRIMAN, M.M..
PI14-LANCASTER--In loving rnemry of C.A.S.C. C.T.F., 4th June, 1942.
Reit in peace.
David LANCASTER, torn April 24, 1852,
died August 7, 1925. Elizabeth WILSON, P127--John MacDONALO, died June 22. 1923.
his uife, torn Sept. 12, 1854. died -
aged 21 yrr.
P128-KENREDY--(lying flat) In loving
P115--(lying flat ar foot of P114) John rnemry af Andrew KENNEDY. 1894-1957.
Frank LANCRSTER, 1885-1963. Annie Mary,
1882-1 956.
P129--In memory of A.E. REYNOLDS, died
Nov. 4, 1925. aged 58 yrs.