Page 77 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 77
F'lEAJA--In memory of Thomas George, P7-HPPPER--h. HOPPER, died Feb. 19,
ion of Tho's. & Charlotte KEENAN, died 1891,dgpd 79 yrs,
Rug. 28. 1899, aged 22 Ti.. 10 moi., Come unto me all ye that labor and are
5 dl. (R. Brown, Ottawa] heavy laden and I Will give you rert.
In memory of John A. KEENAN. 1863-1936 Sacred to the memory of John Evans
HOPPER, who died 7 Jany., 1885, aged 24
In memory of Thomas KEENAN, 1838-1931. years.
His uife, Charlotte LONG. 1842-1932.
The [Lord gave and the Lord hath taken
away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
PZ-HOBBS--In laving memory of Andrew
m i e d June 10, 1926, aged 81 yrs. Jab 1.21.
nlio his wife, Annie HOBBS. died Oec. 17. Sacred to the memory of Jane EVANS, be-
1913. aged 65 yrr. Dorothy irene, be- loved wife of William HOPPER, who died
loved baby of Dorothy b U. Andrew HOBBS, 30 May, 1884, aged 66 years.
died Mar. 5. 1919, aged 11 mar. Blessed are the dead which die in the
Thy will be done. Lord, that they may rert from their
labours, and their vorks do follow them.
(Canadian Granite Ca.. Ottawa)
Rev 14.1:1.
In memory of Lthel. born Mar. 28. 1880.
died Feb. 14. 1899. Lilian C., born --
PB-ANGUS--In loving memory of George
Jan. 23. 1877. died Aug. 31, lR77. ANGUS. born Rug. 19, 1852, died Oct. 10.
Will>elmina, bor~l Feb. 5, 1888, died July 1939. Rnnie Sparling HOPPER, uife of
27, 1888. Children of Andrew S Annie George ANGUS, born Feb. 5, 1854. died
HORRI April 5. 1934.
"Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, from "Blessed arc the pure in heart."
which none ever wakes to weep." Marion 5. RNGUS, 1882-1967. (W.M. Scott,
Lachute. P.4.)
PJ-BEAVEN--At rert. In laving memory of
Lemuel E. BEAYEN, died March 16, 1907, P9-ANGUS--In loving memory of Alma S
in his 40th year. CHUICH,1889-1966, beloved rife of
Artlwr A. R3GUS. 1095-1970,
PI-HATCH--1" memory of Thomas HATCH, died Until the day break.
Feb. 25. 1923. aoed 79 vrs.
His end was peace. --
P10-GORDiI3--(beneath pair of pine trees
Margaret E. TAYLOR, wife of Tho;. HATCH. to south of P9, Lylng flat) Edith Lavina,
.- - - -- ~.
d~ed Apr. 7, 1888. aged 43 yrr. beloved dauohter of iavina k .lamer GORnON.
Blessed are the dead which d~e in the Beloved rnotcer of Lennon Bruce. Barrv
Lord. Oarrell. Stuart S Cheryl
James H. HATCH, died June 17, 1889, aged
(marker: W.H. in bushes next to tall
18 yrr. Serena A. HATCH, died dune 13, rree between P9 and Pl5)
1901, aged 28 yrr.
Emna LUCAS, beloved uife of Thomas HATCH, =>--In memory Of Thomas ANGUS,
died Sept. Z. 1933. native of Glargou, Scotland, died Rug.
16t11, 1801, in his 85th year.
P5-HOPPER--Arthur Edward HOPPER, 1856- Christ is my hope.
1939. His wife, Emma Caroline STEYRRT. Jean SWAN, wife of Thomas RNGUS, died
1861-1945. Yil bert Clayton MOPPER, 1894- Sept. 3, 1909, aged 100 years, 4 moi.
1965, lhurband of Eva HILL.
Marion RIGUS, hrn Rug. 31, 1844, died
'''. '' 1g38.
---In loving memory of William
David HOPPER, 1849-1978. His uife. %--I" rnemrY Of Jane SPROULE. died Naq.
Catherine R. CRLOYELL, 1854-1g43. ~illi~~
27th. 1888.
J.E.. 1885-1937. His uife. Laura J.M. I kno* that my redeemer liveth Job19-25"
WHITE, 1887-1948.