Page 72 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 72
E. !lxtmrts cf p~ohable llantan C~tllalic nnmcs in Hrultlcy from nominal roll of
First Carlcton Rc~.jliwnt of Militia, Decelmbcr 24, 1828. Yen agt.d 19-39 years.
(PAC, RG9 IB2, Vol. 29)
No. 3 res. Iiuntlry
391 nichl. Cal~il
395 Danl. Magher
412 John O'Keefe
415 Hichl. Cahil 2d
438 Gotufrey Donahy
439 Will Drake
440 John llarhien (?)
441 Michl. Cronan
442 Thos. Rrennehan
443 Danl. Brennchan
444 Thos. Keefr
445 Ja~ncs Allm
446 John Kcnedy
447 L'illm. hJalsll
448 Patt ncalg
449 nartjn blonscl
450 Timothy Forrest
451 Jamcs Forrcst
452 John Rt~ssell
453 Carroll Sullivan