Page 62 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 62

No.  of  Lot   Cor!c?ssion   -- Toiinship

              Pat  LUHY                 W          I           12         Huntlet
              John  LEZHY,  Juil.
              Pat  F1Ll.D               V
              William  MUGHAN           W
              Tinlathy  COIIRTNLT       w
               James  McGRATH           Y
              Luke  McGRdTH             E
              Richard  FOREST           E
               Timothy  FOREST          W
               James  FNlEST            W
              James  ROCilE             E
              John  MEINAN              E
              William  FlTZGFF\LD       E
              Martin  H.&NSEIL          E
               Lawrence  MANSFLL        -
               Jefferv O'DONOHUE        E
               Danl.  BRESTNAIUN        E
              .John KNAN                W

                                        Tatal  No.

               "The  report  mentions  51  located  in Huntlcy  and  this  list  only  29.   Thc differmce
               arises  from  my finding  it aecessary  to employ  fire men  in various  services,  &
              as the  snow  had  fallpn  before  I  could  dispense  with  their  attendance,  they
              preferred  waiting  till tlic  spring,  that  they  might  bc  bcttcr  able  to  judge  of  the
               qualjty  of  thc land."
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67