Page 95 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 95


                                         ST  ANDREW'S  &  ST  PAUL'S  CEMETERY

                         The  following  is an  alphabetical  index  to all names  which

                         appear  in the  St  Andrew's  &  St  Paul's  Cemetery  transcriptions.
                         Names  and  abbreviations  or  initials within names  in the  index
                         correspond  to  those  inscribed on  the  stones  themselves.       No

                         attempt  has  been  made  to determine  accurate  spellings  of  names
                         misspelled  on  the  tombstone.

                         Married women  have  been  indexed under  both married  and  maiden
                         names  wherever  such  information  has  been  provided  in the  in-
                         scriptions.     If indexed  under  the  married  name,  the  MAIDEN

                         SURNAME  APPEARS  IN BRACKETS  after  the  name  of  the  entry.      If
                         indexed under  the  maiden  name,  the  MARRIED  SURNAME  IS UNDER-
                         LINED  in the  entry.
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100