Page 236 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 236
Mattice of Forfar and William (S.) Stevens (81) and his wife
Margaret (Tackakerry) (79). Also buried there .was a son of the
latter couple, Levi Stevens (53) and his wife Mrs. Levi Stevens
(Brigit Hunt), maternal grandparents of E.S.S. Similarly, I.L.C.
is a descendant of Nancy Stevens (78), through her daughter, Lucy
Ann Mattice, his paternal grandmother.
According to "Caverley8s History of Pittsford, Vermont",
written about 100 years ago, many of the early settlers, who came
to Upper Canada with Abel Stevens, hailed from Pittsford, Rutland
Co,, Vermont. Several settled near each other and indeed were
often related. Their names are found on stones in the Sheldon
Cemetery and also in the first Census of the United States in 1790.
The Sheldon brothers (also spelled Shelden and in an early census
Shildin) were cousins of Abel Stevens' wife, Eunice Buck. She was
also related to the Barnes family. In the 10th Concession of Bastard,
Jeremiah Shelden (122) obtained Lot 7, Uriah Stevens, Abe18s son,
Lot 8, John Yates (103), Lot 9, Abel Stevens keeping Lots 10, 11,
and 12 for himself as well as other land in the Township of Bastard.