Page 43 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 43

SUTHERLAND FRANCES; date unknown,  14 yrs

                WINDAPP In loving memory of Henry Windapp. son of Jacob and Frances, d. Feb. 37,
                1920. at Opasatika, Ontario, 24 yrs

                            Écriteau au centre du cimetière: In memoriam;

                N.B. Other potential grave are unknown due ta incomplet record
                27 site identifiés, soit avec une cloture et croix autour, entourés de pierre. ou des croix
                seuls, avec aucune indication
                ecriteau; près de la rivière; And God shall wipe away al1 tears from their eyes and there
                shall be no more death, neither sorrow, non crying, neither shall there be any more pain
                for the former thing, are passed away, rev. Ch. 21, Ver. 4
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