Page 129 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 129

SELiN JOHN-CLIFFORD;  1930-1965, Beloved Husband John-Clifford Selin, époux  41 12
                de Patricia Desjardin.

                SESTAK WAN; Born in Yugoslavia 1928-1990                                             8713

                SHOPOFF NIICHOLAS-W; April2, 1928 - September 7.1988 (Shoppy), note; A man  83 11
                loved and respected by all.

                SIGOUW ALFRED; aucune autre identification                                           1104

                SIGOUIN THEODORE;  1896-1959, Jeanne; 191 1-1991,                                    8805

                SILCHUCK PAUL; aucune autre identification.                                          4004

                SIMARD WILFRID; 190 1-1974, époux d'Anna Patenaude,  1909-1971                       4106

                SlROIS JULES, ANITA; sur pierre; Anita (Leclerc) Sirois; 1914-1982, épouse de Jules  65  13
                Sirois; 1906-1977, note; inhumé au Sault-St-Marie,

                SIROlX YVON; 25 dec. 1928 - (R), note; repose en paix.                               7814

                SlSKA JOHN; 1899-1967, Husband of Tekla Ivancak; Sept. 6, 1905 - Dec. 17,1983        4210

                SlSKA RUSSEL-JOHN; October 9, 1960 - nov. 11,1987, son of John and Anne Bies,  81 13
                Beloved brother of Michael, Krista and Lon Siska, autre; (BB) Siska Girl; July 28, 1956

                SISKA; aucune indication sur place                                                   4208

                SWRET HELENE;  1945-1989, A la douce mémoire d'Hélène Sivret, note: repose en  8504

               SLOBOBNICK  AUGUSTk  1892-1962, Husband  of  Mary  Tishlir,  In  Memory  of  21 19
               Augusta Slobobnick, note; RIP

                SLOBODNICK JOSEPH; aucune autre identification.                                      7607
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