Page 4 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 4

                  This  cemetery  is located at  Carlsbad  Springs,  however,  it should  be  noted  that
                  during  the  period  1867-1902  it was  known  as  Eastman  Springs.       This  was  due
                  primarily  to the  health giving waters  in the  area  and  also  the  name  of  the  prime
                  sponsor  of  these  springs  who  enjoyed  the  surname  of  EASTMAN.

                  The  cemetery  is situated  just  behind the  Roman  Catholic  church  at Carlsbad
                  Springs  -  very  well  kept  although  it is starting to become  somewhat  overcrowded.
                  Like many  cemeteries,  some  burials have  taken  place without  the  benefit  of
                  tombstones  or  place markers.      It is understood  that  the  cemetery  boundaries
                  must  be  enlarged  in the  very  near  future.

                  At  the  time  of  recording  a  total  of  158  tombstones  were  identifiable.  It is
                  a  relatively small  cemetery,  but much  can  be  gleaned  from  the  statistics  provided
                  therein.    Some  of  the  observations  are;

                  a:)  One  was  killed in action  in defence  of  his country  -  Sgt.  Thomas  GAUTHIER,
                  died in France,  15  September  1917,  aged  30  years.

                  b)  Two  other  stones  (Nos.  67  and  85)  signified military  service.

                  c!  One  stone  indicated  that  the  death  occurred  in Eastman  Springs  (Stone  1/38).

                  dl  The  person  with  the  oldest  birthdate  was,  James  TIERNEY,  who  was  born in
                  1807,  died  some  years  later  in 1885,  (Stone  114).     Then  Bridget  O'BRIEN,  born
                  1813  and  dying  some  84  years  later  in 1897.    Both  u:  these  having  been  born  in

                  e)  A  number  of  persons  died  in the  period 1882-1886  which  indicates that  this was
                  probably  the  initial period of  the  cemetery.

                  f? A  number  of  the  residents lived to a  'ripe-old'  age,  such  as:  Ulric MENARD,
                  1880-1971,  91 years  of  age,  (stone  46);  James  MeGOVERN,  1879-1969,  90  years,
                  (stone  88);  His wife,  Bridget  McGOVERN,  1882-1972,  90  years  (stone  88).

                  g)  The  most  prevalent  surname  to be  found  was  that  of  DESJARDINS  with 49  names,
                  followed  by  TIERNEY  and  PHILLIPPE  with  19  names  each.
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