Page 59 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 59

wjfe  of                                           Jean  Dupuys
                   Ri;ba~i A.  Reid                                   1872  -  1944
                   1877  -  1968                                     Arthur  Jette
                   their  son                                         1905  -  1952
                   William  Harold  Reid                              George  Dubois
                                                                      1894  -  1952
                                                                     Hervé  Vaniel
                   MacGREGOIR                                         1918  -  1931
                   hlarie -~dna Laporte                              Richard  Léveillé
                   1903 -  1961                                       1936  -  1956
                   wife  of                                           Coajutor  blontfort
                   Stanley  MacGregoir                                1899  -  1918
                   1891  -  1971                                     Benoit-Coaj utor
                   -----------                                       1877  -  1934
                   LOUIS  DAVID  DEN?                                -----------
                   1870  -  1945                                     J.ARTHUR  BOILY
                   his  wife                                          1894  -  1957
                   Albina  Legnard                                    ses  épouses
                   1882  -  1943                                     Lorenza  St-Jean
                   -----------                                        1894  -  1919
                   ELIZABETH  C.  TIERNEY                             Ida  Eva  Ricard
                   1891 -  1943                                      1900  -  1963
                                                                     - - - - - - - - - - -
                   Anna  Tierney
                   1889  -  1968                                     JAMES  T.  BOSS
                   -----------                                       1891 -  1919
                   JAMES  JO&ON                                      husband  of
                   1876  -  1923                                     Elizabeth  b1cCurrie
                   husband  of                                       1891  -  1950
                   Wahnita  Ryckman                                  -----------
                   1886  -  1969                                     ElATHEW  EDWARD  SUlrlhIERS
                   Maurice  ~o@on                                    d  jan  19  1919  32  yrs
                   1915  -  1967                                     his  wife
                   Ienore  Johson                                    Mary  O'Henley
                   1907  -  1970                                     jan  22  1889  -  mar  21  1970
                   -----------                                        -----------
                   JEAN  CAEIIRAND                                   RICHARD  VANDEVELDE
                   1900 -  1963                                      d  6  jan  1919  68  yrs
                   Napoléon  Beaudry                                 Charles  Coucke
                   1886  -  1965                                     1878  -  1949
                   William  Lernmens                                 son  épouse
                   1879 -  1966                                      Clémentine
                   François  Le  Texier                              d  25  oct  1962  81  ans
                   1885 -  1967
                   René  Poirier                                     ARTHUR  WOILFORD
                   1885 -  1967                                      époux  de
                   Honoré  Séguin                                    Emilia  Moquin
                   1908  -  1968                                     d  21  oct  1918  JI  ans
                   Louis  Philippe  Barette                          Marie  Reine  Woilford
                   1904 -  1973                                      d  7  fév  1920  20  ans
                   Jules  M.  Six                                    Noella  Woilford
                   i878  -  1916                                     1916  -  1924
                   Gérald  Goulette                                  leur  mère
                   1880  -  1931                                     Emilia  Moquin
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