Page 302 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 302
1890 - 1978
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
DUHAbIE L Clara Beauchamp 1897 - 1974
Dora F. Duhamel ------------
1895 - 1964 MENCHINI
her sister Harry J. Menchinie
Fidelia L. Duhamel 1906 - 1960
1891 - 1965 mother of
------------ Rose A. Ingolotti
RYAN 1879 - 1974
Basil C. Ryan -------------
d Jan. 9 1973 MAGEE
------------ Albert Magee 1898 - 1960
B 1 LODEAU husband of
Wilfrid 1899 - 1976 Elizabeth Dunn 1901 - ----
epoux de -----------
Alma Gauthier P 1 GNAT
1900 - ---- Albino Pignat
Agnes Roy - 1872 - 1959 1901 - 1960
epouse de husband of
Feu Philippe Bilodeau Mary Gianetto
en. ieme noce Feu 1905 - 1962
Joseph Roy ------------
MACMILLAN 1884 - 1960
Robert K. Honore Pomainville
husband of epoux de 1888 - 1966
Kathleen Hoysted Delia Racicot
Baby Andrew 1959 ------------
------------ WILSON
TIMLIN Joseph Kenny Wilson
Anna Kealey 1896 - 1959 1912 - 1965
wife of husband of
John R. Timlin Rose Pomainville
1896 - 1981 1916 - ----
--------- -------------
Gertrude Loughlin J. Joseph Taylor
1869 - 1959 1896 - 1960
wife of husband of
John McCann Dorothy Lafreniere
Helen Cairns -----------
1901 - 1968 THEBARGE
------------ Thomas Allan 1892 - 1960
SERRE husband of
Joseph Eugene Th~resa Linde 1900 - 1975
1876 - 1959 -------------
epoux de CLERMONT
Marie Lourise Aubin Josephine Jodoin 1903 - 1960
1874 - 1969 e?ouse de
------------- Alderic Clermont
MERCIER Aurey M. Brunette
Emile Mercier 1892 - 1960 1934 - 1960
son epouse wife of