Page 289 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 289

77  BN    Pte                                     Rene  J.  Brazeau
                     Emile  J.  Bertrand                               1918  -  1967
                     1894  -  1962
                     -----------                                       R.C.A.S.C.        Sgt'.
                     80  BN     Pte                                    J.  A.  McNamara
                     Alex  St-Louis                                    1916  -  1968
                     1895  -  1962                                     -----------
                     -----------                                       R.C.A.      GNR
                     R.C.A.F                                           Chas.  H.  Leslie
                     LAC  Arthur  J.  J.  Lessard                      1921 -  1968
                     1903 -  1961                                      ------------
                     ---------------                                   C.A.A.      Pte
                     77  BN  Pte                                       Jas.  Lorette
                     A.  PommainYille                                  1902  -  1968
                     1892  -  1961                                     ------------
                     -----------                                       R.C.A.S.C.       Pte
                     R.S.C.     Pte                                    Chas.  E.Bornais
                     Nelson  C.  Royston                               1914  -  1968
                     1895  -  1961                                     -----------
                     ---- --- ----                                     R.M.R.      TPR.
                     R.C.A.S.C.       Pte                              E.A.  Bennett
                     H.  Goudie                                        1899  -  1968
                     1907  -  1967                                     -----------
                     -----------                                       R.C.A.S.C.       Cpl
                     R.C.O.C.      Pte                                 Leo  Beaulieu
                     T.E.Cassidy                                       1900  -  1968
                     1916  -  1967
                     ------------                                      R.C.A.S.C.         Pte
                     R.C.E.     Spr                                    Loyer     1925  -  1968
                     Lionel  Crate                                     ------------
                     1911 -  1967                                      R.C.O.C.     Pte
                     -----------                                       Fred  T.Potel1
                    R.C.O.C.       Pte                                 1903  -  1968
                    C.E.  Tagart                                       -----------
                    1923 -  1967                                       S.S.  Marie  and
                    - - - - - - - - - - -                              Sudbury  REGT.
                    CDN  ARMY  (ACT .)                                 Pte  M.  T.Grenier
                    Sgt.  Vincente-Fagan                               1905  -  1968
                    1925  -  1967                                      -------------
                    ------------                                       .C.A.F.  LAC
                    R.C.A.S.C.       Pte                               Arhtur  J.  Dunne
                    Jean  C.  Roy                                      1926  -  1969
                    1922  -  1967
                    ------------                                       R.C.A.F.      L  /  Cpl
                    2  Pioneer  BN  Pte                                A.  V.  McGlade
                    Joi. V.  Rivard                                    1918  -  1969
                    1897  -  1967                                      --------------
                                                                       R.C.O.C.      Pte
                    C.A.C.      Tpr                                    Leo  Dumais
                    Bernard  G.  Lepage                                1914  -  1969
                    1924  -  1967                                      ------------
                    -----------                                        C.W.A.C.      Pte
                    R.C.C.M.I.      Cpl                                L. T.Piche  (Morin)
                                                                       1917  -  1970
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