Page 273 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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husband  of                                       ROSS  CLARK  THOMSON
                     Amélia  (Dolly)  Chadwick                         1 jan  1932  -  may  5  1949
                     1907  -  1970                                     Car1  Norman  Thomson
                     ------- ----                                      apr  1896  -  nov  1957
                     MICHAEL  DALTON                                   -----------
                     husband  of                                       JOSEPH  MORRIS
                     Mary  Marion  Billows                             d  21  apr  1952
                     son,  John  Michael                               -----------
                     1943 -  1948                                      WILLIAM  MORRIS
                     Gerald  Dalton                                    d  11  july  1978  77  yrs
                     1884  -  1956                                      -----------
                     husband  of                                       CORA  LORSHBOUGH  NEE  DAGENAIS
                     Valeda  Latour                                    1883 -  1969
                     1890  -  1924                                     wife  of  late
                     their  daughters                                  Walter  Lorshbough
                     Mary  Pearl,  1908  -  1913                       their  son  Shirlie.
                     Catherine,       1917  -  1918                    -----------
                     -----------                                       DAGENAIS
                     DESJARDINS                                        Eva  Ladouceur
                     Anna  Dagenais                                    1903 -  1959
                     1876 -  1946                                      épouse  de
                     é~ouse de                                         Frank  Dagenais
                     ciovis  Desjardins                                1895 -  1959
                     1882  -  1964                                     -----------
                     -----------                                       LUCILLE  LAURETTE  CYR
                     SIRIANNI                                          1924  -  1955
                     Maria  Raffaella  Colosino                        Denis,  1952  -  1955
                     1886  -  1948                                     Denise  Anfossi
                     wife  of                                          1888 -  1966
                     Antonio  Sirianni                                 wife  of
                     1887  -  1974                                     J.G.E.Cyr
                     -----------                                       1888 -  1973
                     JOSEPH  SIRIANNI                                  -----------
                     1908  -  1977                                     L 1 STON
                     Carmel,  1916  -  ----                            Anna  Mary  Lynch
                     -----------                                       1889  -  1952

                     DEVINE                                            wife  of
                     Ernie  Robillard                                  Joseph  Liston
                     1898  -  1975                                     1890  -  1969
                     wife  of                                          -----------
                     Michael  Devine                                   DONAT  COUILLARD
                     1889  -  1977                                     1894  -  1952
                     -----------                                       -----------
                     WILLIAM  DEVINE                                   PATENAUDE
                     d  30  july  1855  57  yrs                        Ellen  Phelan
                     - - - .   - - - - -                               1873 -  1952
                     WHITE                                             wife  of
                    Marv  Sheehan                                      Napoléon  Patenaude
                     isËi  -  1955                                     1874  -  1962
                    wife  of                                           their  daughter  Evelyn
                     William  White                                    1901 -  1966
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