Page 218 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 218

d  hlarch  31  1943  63 yrs                        James  S.  Welsh       1884  -  1927
                     Rose  Lalonde                                      ,Inri,-  F.  !Vrlsh    1888  . 1976
                     d  June  10  1958  84  vrs
                     Rosa  Sarazin                                      ALMA  CARLE      1892  -  1926
                     d  July  1 1936  42  yrç
                     Liî-el  Sa~azin                                    ÇT  lnllDFNT
                     d  Jan  7  1956  58  yrs                           Theophile  Lachaine
                      ------------                                      1854  -  1934
                     BOUCHER                                            son  épouse
                      Isabelle  Beauchamp                               Christine  Rainville
                     wife  of                                           1870  -  1937
                     Andre  Boucher                                     Emile  Lachaine
                     1836  -  1927                                      1896  -  1949
                     Andre  Boucher                                     Rosaire  St-Laurent
                      1879  -  1954                                     1899  -  1952
                      R.rne  Boucher                                    son  époux
                     husband  of                                        Eugenie  Lachaine
                     Yoella  Lebeau                                     1891  -  1963
                      1903 -  1931
                     husband  of                                        CADIEUX
                      Edgar  Lebeau                                     Anna  Deschambault
                     husband  of                                        6aouçe  dc
                      Erene  Boucher                                    ~ibert Cadieux
                      1903 -  1932                                      1889  -  1931
                      -------------                                     Ursule  Charlebois
                      CORKERY                                           1895  -  1944
                                                                        épouse  de
                      -~   ~-   -
                      1867  -  1927                                     Albert  Cadieux
                     Helena  1877  -  1952                              1885  -  1968
                      Lvnus      1900  -  1956                          Robert  4  mths
                      ~hereça  1901  -  ----                            Guy       3  mt5.s
                      -------------                                     --------
                      ObIER  BRAZEAU      1899  -  1979                 1036229  PTE
                      huçband  of                                       Frank  Hatherell
                      Cecilia  Dubois                                   230  BATT      C.E.F.
                      1897  -  1967                                     d  Jan  30  1927
                     Adelaide  1877  -  1919                            Hatherel-le  Clarke
                     wife  of                                           Edich       1871  -  1940
                      Valarie  Reneau                                   Herbert  1893  -  1955
                      1878  -  1952                                     Agnes       1897  -  -
                      ~olland Brazeau                                   Hatherell  Espher
                      1926  -  1980                                     1846  -  1928
                      ------------                                      ------------
                      Pilot  Officer  Philippe                          B ROlYN
                      15.  h1cCarthy                                    Mary  Ann  Conway        1884
                      R.C.A.F                                           wife  of
                      D  Jan  23  1943                                  John  J.  Brown
                      -------------                                     biary  Rita  1911  -  1929
                      PATRICK  liELSH      1850  1929                   Isabelle  Conuay
                      his  tcife                                        1850  -  1954
                      Annie  Kealey        1852  -  1914                ------------
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