Page 185 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 185
hlarilyn 1928 - 1960 PAUL DUSSAULT 1892 - 1960
J Robin 1932 - 1.976 epoux de
------------ Albertine Riffault
ALWIN )[OTT 1893 - 1943 1899 - 1973
----------- -----------
1888 - 1952 d Nov 15 lYZU 53 yrs
husband of -----------
blargaret Lyons ONORE VILLENEUVE
1888 - 1960 d May 22 1925 46 yrs
Mary Pauline blulrooney son epouse
1927 - 1957 Flore Nadon
- - - - - - - - - - - - d Dec 10 1970 84 yrs
EDOUARD PILON Romuadld 1910 - 1975
Herve Villeneuve
1911 - 1976
Eugene Seguin ihiaïie Lafl~rinie U LE;5
1870 - 1958 ------------
son epouse LOUïS PROULX
Anne Ouellette d blay 21 1940 73 yis
1872 - 1954 son epouse
Gertrude Perpetue Lai.ose
1901 - 1947 d Feb 8 1944 73 yïs
Germaine Seguin-Madden Oscar Proulx 1910 - 1955
1910 - 1962 Eltgene Proulx 1891 - 19~8
----------- Lauria Proulx 1912 - :9.'4
JAMES hIURPHY 1868 - 1943 -----------
Elizabeth Egan 1857 - 1948
1868 - 1946 epoux de
Arthur hlurphy 1894 - 1949 Dauthine Mallet
]Calter Murphy 1898 - 1953 1879 - 1967
Irene Murphy 1896 - 1963 -----------
hICLEAN / IYALSH b May 11 1911 d June 5 1972
Elizabeth Mary McLean son epouse
1905 - 1958 Colombe Kirouac
wife of leurs fils
John d walsh Paul Lavergne
Helen Nora Walsh b Feb 5 193, d Jiiiic 20 193!
1940 - 1956 Edouard A.
Nora hlcLean b May 28 1882 d June ?O 1930
1885 - 1976 son epouse
\Valter k hlcLean Philomene Touchette
1878 - 1932 b June 14 1889 d Apr 23 1948
Kenneth PlcLean blalvinia Kirouac
1911 - 1951 b Lagace Jan 19 1883 d Jan 13 1969
:Inn Kelly 1909 - 1951 ------------
Sharron hlcLean THERIAULT
1936 - 1953 Angelina Houle
------------ cpouse de