Page 179 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 179

Di  Luisa  DtAmico                                d  Jan  6  1960
                      1866  -  '931                                     Ann  Bertand
                      Guerrino  Sabette                                 b  Feb  14  1882
                      1914  -  1958                                     d  June  28  1979
                      -----------                                       Charles  Joseph  Bertrand
                      JLY~S JJ~QV Twrmr,~                               B  blay  1  1899
                      1854  -  1930                                     d  NOV  14  1954
                      of  Cilery  Quebec  City                          -----------
                      husband  of                                       DIJNN
                                                                        ..  . .
                      hiargaret  hfcblahon                              M.  Florence  Ferriman
                                                                        7892  -  1971
                      father  of                                        -
                      blaryann  Elizebath  1885  -  1948                iiife  of
                      of  Quebec  City                                  Bernard  J.  Dunn  Ferriman
                      daughters                                         Ellen  Killeen
                      Dorothy  Ellen            1904  -  1963           1860  -  1926
                      R.N.  ~nn Arnes           1901  -  ----           wife  of
                      hlargaret                 1900  -                 William  1871  -  1939
                      Adrien  LEBRUN                                    hic CAB E
                      d  Nov.28,1918  38  yrs                           Edward  PlcCabe       1879  -  1959
                      -----------                                       his  wife
                      TELESPHORE  BENOIT                                Jose~hine Ryan  1884  -  1975
                      1883 -  1941
                      his  wife                                         his  wife
                      J.  Clinkscale                                    Elizebath  Davy  1815  -  1232
                      1887  -  1948                                     Tliomas  blcCabe      1882  -  195:'
                      1925  -  1930                                     .JOSEPH  RAOUL  MEUNIER
                      -----------                                       d  Oct  27  1930  50  yrs
                      CLARENCE  DENNEKY                                 -----------
                      1886  -  1930                                     TESSIER  /  ROY
                      Roy  Hennessy                                     Cyprien  Tessier  1863  -  1936
                      1910  -  1963                                     Arthur  Tessier  1907  -  1130
                      husband  05                                       Aime  Tessier           1898  -  1953
                      Doris  Enright                                    J.O.Alphonse  Roy  1886  -  1955
                      -----------                                       ------------
                      J.A.PAYETTE                                       NICHAEL  W.  KENNEDY
                      epoux  de                                         1877  -  1969
                      Aurore  'atour                                    his  wife
                      1886  -  1930                                     Theresa  FlcGrath  1895
                      Albert  Payette                                   Irlaureen,  1 yr  .
                      1912  -  1963                                     Ann ,        2  days
                      BERTRAND                                          ÇPIITH
                      Catherine  Helen  Cannon                          William  Byran
                      wife  of                                          d  Oct  3  1930  7  yrs
                      A.E.Bertrand                                      Donal  G.  Reid
                      b  July  28  1882                                 d  Jan  30  1956
                      d  Apr  19  1934                                    husband  of
                      Albert  E.  Bertrand                              Frances  Smith
                      b  Feb  20  1881                                  Harrel  Cyr
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