Page 144 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 144
Marion Jacques Hermas Corbeil
1891 - 1967 1897 - 1942
Thomas Daley Berthe Corbeil
1916 - 1971 d 10 nov 1912
his wife 1901 - 1912
Catherine Grace Hector Corbeil
1911 - 1912 lQ21 - 1922
in memory of Flother & GrandtMotlier -----------
Marion Anna Daley Grimes hIARY ANN BRENNAN
1923 - 1973 wife of
----------- hlichael Cunningham
ANDREW DOYLE d june 23 1928 64 yrs
born 1816 in Co. of Carlow, IrclandElizabeth Brennan
d in Ottawa in 1904 born in Nowry Co. Dawn, Ireland
his wife d feb 1 1901 60 yrs
Eallen Nolan -----------
born 1823 in Cas tlecomer, Irclniid ANDREW CHARLES STUh'ART
d in Ottawa in 1904 9 oct 1882 - 7 ~nay 1930
Lillie Doyle -----------
wife of BURNS
James Scallon hlargaret Ann Taylor
born in Quebec in 1858 1875 - 1945
died in 1886 wife of
Andrew John Doyle Patrick Joseph Buriis
1859 - 1943 1876 - 1961
his wife James Thomas Burns
Mary Foran 1911 - 1975
1863 - 1944 bebe Burns 1980
their son Edward -----------
1904 - 1911 H. LAUZON
---- ------- d 13 mar 1915 63 yrs
KAPOLEON GAGNE - - - . - - - - - - - -
époux de d 10 juillet 1938 67 ans
Rosanna Gauvreau son épouse
1858 - 1953 Clémentine Dagenais
JANLrEAU d 25 fév 1954 80 ans
Leo Janveau Marie-Rose Verdon
1916 - 1923 d ?O avr 1900 7 ans
Edmond Janveau Valérie Verdon
1888 - 1938 d 8 déc 1930 31 ans
époux de -----------
Emelia Thériault J.B. ROBILLARD
1890 - 1971 1870 - 1938
Patricia Janveau époux de
1913 - 1965 Louise Nondoux
----------- 1871 - 1961
FELIX CORBEIL hlarcédes P,obillard
1862 - 1934 1907 - 1938
son épouse épouse de
Marie-Louise Facette Sylvio Blais
1872 - 1939