Page 132 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 132
John Joseph Kearney Nina Gariépy
wife of 1893 - 1970
William T. King Odiie Rossignol
d 23 apr 1920 80 yrs 1835 - 1904
----------- Marie-Louise Montreuil
JOHN J. CARROLL 1875 - 1908
d sept 2/ 1324 tii yrs
his wife
Isabella Foley Blanche Diguer
d nov 7 1943 1894 - 1956
Ethel Carroll Philippe Payette
daughter of John & Bella 1899 - 1959
d june 22 1894 6 yrs -----------
- - - - - - - . . - - - JOSEPH DESROCHES
CATHERINE BANK0 d 31 juillet 1917 85 ans
1865 - 1950 Jane Munn
blary Martin &pobse de
1842 - 1912 Joseph Desroches
wife of Joseph Banko d 2 jan 1898 59 ans
Jane Martin Joseph S. Desroches
1822 - 1901 d 28 avr 1893 28 ans
wife of .. .." . - - -. -
Edwin Phi 1 ipps THOMAS CASEi
their children and his wife
William Philipps Al ice Fennely
1865 - 1905 blaurice W. Casey
Joseph Philipps 1860 - 1941
1870 - 1943 Mary V. Casey
Charles Philipps d aug 30 1920 21 ys.
1868 - 19P8 -----------
Agnes Philipps CARROLL
1860 - 1949 Daniel H. Donnel~,
- - - - - - - - - - - jan 19 1851 - api 11 1894
ALPHONSE TESS'ER Margaret Narkham
Chef di1 Dept. de feu de Hull wife of
d 1 déc 1932 72 ans Henry Carroll
son épouse d mar 14 1210 67 yrs
Joséphine Payette ------- --- .
d 24 mai 1910 50 ans OlrlER J: BRULE
Léa Tessier 1905 - 1972
1856 - 1913 époux de
Alphonse Payette Edwidge Bra?.ley
1895 - 1945 1909 - ----
Joseph Payette -----------
Oscar Payette 1845 - 1904
1810 - 1900 Mary O' Doherty
Albina Payette 1835 - 1910
1867 - 1902
Alphonse Tessier
1884 - 1895 J.P. O'Dohertv
Blanche Tessier