Page 125 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 125

notre  bien-aimée  Irma                           Margaret  Boyle
                   d  3  seTt  1892  6  ans                          d  june  7  1925  59  yrs
                   - .~ -  - - - - - -                               Ellen  Williams
                   PIERRE  FOISY                                     wife  of
                   24  ian  1867  -  19  déc  1934                   Thomas  Boyle
                   son  épouse                                       d  dec  26  1943  76  yrs
                   ~osépiiine Lzc~urt                                Tbnmas  P.  Boyle
                   78  fév  1869  -  1  fé~ 1936                     d  apr  18  1954
                   leurs  enfants                                    James  H.  Boyle
                   .roséphine,  1892  -  1892                        d  may  8  1953
                   Laurence,       1883  -  1905                     Ethel  Play  Pridmore  née  Boyle
                   i-vonne ,      1898  -  1899                      d  1970
                   Rosa,          1885  -  1908                      -----------
                   -----------                                       OLORIE  LEGAULT
                   JOHN  PUMPLE                                      1850  -  1943
                   d  apr  26  1900  51  yrs                         son  épouse
                   his  wife                                         Séphora  More1
                   nna Schoch                                        1873  -  1948
                   d  jan  1  1935  82  yrs                          Jeanne  Beaudry  n6e  Legault
                   Agnes  Schoch  Sweet                              1897  -  1976
                   1895  -  1948                                     Bruno  Legault
                   iiiie  of                                         1895  -  1900
                   George  Pumple                                    Valmore  Legault
                   1885  -  1972                                     1891  -  1918
                   John  Pumple                                      Jean.M.  Beaudry
                   1881  -  1964                                     mort  au  combat
                   his wife                                          1923  -  1944
                   Alice  Dubuc                                      -----------
                   1904  -  1954                                     PHILIPPE  SAVARD
                   Iilargaret  A.  Pumple                            d  9  jan  1905  44  ans
                   1922  -  1923                                     Laura  Ayotte
                   Caroline  Hudson                                  époiise  de
                   1880  -  1966                                     NaprJléon  Plonette
                   Lillie  Pumple,  11  mths                         d  9  nov  1928  68  ans
                   Theresa       "        3  "                       - - - - - - - - . . - -
                   John          11     12  yrs                      HENRY  H.  GLASILACHER
                   Adolph        11       2  wks                     d  jan  12  1897  49  yrs
                   Edward        II       1 wk                       Piary  Elizabeth,  wife  of
                   Aloyouis      "        3  mths                    Henry  H.  Glasmacher
                   -----------                                       d  apr  26  1925  64  yrs
                   SARA  WHITE                                       -----------
                   d  mar  31  1897  55  yrs                         INRGARET  BRENNAN
                   - - - - - - - - - - -                             1882  -  1953
                   ANDREW  J.  LEAbfï                                John  Brennan
                   1873  -  1921                                     1860  -  1937
                   -----------                                       Simon  P.  Armstrong
                   hlICHAEL  BOYLE                                   1878  -  1937
                   d  july  12  1899  68  yrs                        El len  Redding
                   native  of  IFexford  CO.,  Ireland               1877  -  1958
                   liis  wife
                   Catherine  Boyle                                  LEDUC
                   d  apr  6  1901  62  yrs                          Paula  O'Connor
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