Page 100 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 100

CIiARTRAYD                                        ALEXANDER  BUTLER
                   Oedippe  Chartrand                                 1889  -  1932
                   :La66  -  1937                                    his  wife
                   bime  O.E.  Chartrand                              Lillian  Wilson
                   d  Jan  6  1948  76  yrs                           1897  -  1976
                   Antonin  Chartrand                                Orville  Butler
                   1897  -  1958                                      1917  -  1920
                   IVilfrid  Chartraiid                              Alexander       1388  -  1936
                   1906  -  1968                                     his  wife
                   épouse  de  Simonne  Marchand                     Lillian  Wilson
                   - -. - - - - - - - - - -                          1896  -  ----
                   J.  B.L.  TRUDEL                                  Pearl  Butler  1915  -  1967
                   J.  Baptiste  L.  Trudel                          wife  of
                   d  Sept  19  1915  58  yrs                        Wm  Cosgrove
                   son  épouse                                       -----------
                   Celina  Dufresne                                  JOHN  STACKPOLE
                   cl  7  Oct  1932  77yrs                           of  Gloucester
                   Camile  Legros                                    d  May  6  1911  60  yrs
                   ri6e  Trudel                                      Patrick  Finn
                   1697  -  ----                                     d  Nov  26  1929
                   Adelaide  Richard                                 -----------
                   epouse  de                                        JEREMIAH  DRISCOLL
                   Pierre  Dufresne                                  d  Dec.  4  1921  59  yrs
                   d  mai  18  1911  86  yrs                         -----------
                  Alexandrine  Gravelle                              WILLIAM  BUTLER
                  née  Moyneur                                       d  Aug  3  1903  63  yrs
                   :L900  -  1960                                    his  wife  Bridget  Warnock
                   -----------                                       d  Nov  5  1944  95  yrs
                  biARIUS  DUFRESNE                                  Rosean  Butler
                   1890  -  1973                                     d  July  18  18999  22  yrs
                  son  épouse                                        -----------
                  Edwilda  Ouellette                                 EDMUND  P.  CORKERY
                  1893 -  ----                                       1902  -  1951
                  Lucille  Dufresne                                  husband  of
                  -----------                                        Genevieve  Whelan
                  CHESTER  F.  SMITH                                 1905  -  ----
                  Sapper                                             -----------
                  R.C.F.                                             SARAH  ROBITAILLE
                  21  Aug     1951  41  yrs                          EPOUSE  DE
                  -----------                                        George  Levecque
                  VICTORIN  LEMAI'                                   d  Ottawa
                  1877  -  1906                                      mars  13  1899  30  yrs
                  his  wife  Zenobie  Latour                         -----------
                  1874  -  1962                                      ROLAND  CHARLEBOIS
                  Evelyn  Casey                                      1908  -  1970
                  1.905  -  1971:                                    sp:-x   de
                  wife  of                                           Alice  Ladouceur
                  George  Lemay                                      1914  -  1978
                  1903 -  ----                                       Don  de  Francois
                  -----------                                        -----------
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