Page 97 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 97

JOSEPH  DOYLE                                     James  Arthur  Leblanc
                      1866  -  1946                                     juin  30  1902  -  déc  13 1960
                      Iiusband  of                                      Joan  Tunney
                      Agnes  Kenny                                      d  june  19  1930
                      1865  -  1959                                     -----------
                      baby  Joseph  Carroll                             IVILFRID  MICHEL
                              27  193:  5  A2yc                         1902  -  1971
                      -----------                                       son  épouse
                      PERCY  MITROW                                     Margaret  Fagan
                      1888  -  1956                                     1904  -  ----
                      his  wife                                         Marie  Marchand
                      Geneviève  Sabourin                         ,     épouse  de
                      1896  -  1964                                     Thomas  Michel
                      - - - - - - - - - - -                             1865  -  1946
                      FERDINAND  LAUZON                                 -----------
                      d  20  nov  1929  56  ans                         ARTHUR  BEAUCHAMP
                      son  épouse                                       fév  17  1902  -  août  6  1977
                      Alexina  Proulx                                   husband  of
                      d  24  juillet  1934  55  ans                     Rita  Bender
                      Eldège  Lauzon                                    aug  6  1907  -  ----
                      1900  -  1948                                     Allan  Beauchamp
                      -----------                                       june  15  1927  -  jan  6  1930
                      DUFFY  /  HARRIGAN                                -----------
                      Angus  Duffy                                      JOHN  MURPHY
                      1887  -  1929                                     1881 -  1936
                      husband  of                                       Catherine  O'hlara
                      Evelyn  Stewart                                   wife  of
                      1889  -  1976                                     Thomas  Murphy
                     Eric  Harrigan                                     1845  -  1938
                     husband  of  Evelyn  Duffy                         -----------
                      -----------                                       EDWARD  McASKIN
                      PTE  ;OSEPH  HOLMES                               1874  .- 1952
                      d  29  nov  1979                                  his  wife
                                                                        Catherine  hfurpliy
                     JOSEPH  JORECZEK                                   1878  -  1969
                      Stella  Paziuk
                      1888  -  1939                                     LAJOIE
                     wife  of                                           Irene  McSorley
                     hlikel  Joreczek                                   1891  -  1914
                      1891 -  1973                                      épouse  de
                     Pauline,  1920  -  1931                            Wilfrid  Lajoie
                     Edward,      1925  -  1961                         1890  -  1947
                      - - - - - - - - - - -                             Ernest  Lajoie
                     SUZANNAH  DEVINE                                   1879  -  1967
                     wife  of                                           -----------
                     Arthur  Leblanc                                    DELOMER  GUINDON
                     nov  28  1860  -  dec  4  1929                     1890  -  1944
                     Alice  Groulx                                     époux  de
                     \r8ife of                                         Dorilda  Boyer
                     James  Leblanc                                     1884  -  1976
                     nov  25  1903  -  feb  27  1960                    -----------
                     Arthur  Damien  Leblanc                           JOSEPH  CLOVIS  DESPAULT
                     nov  24  1856  -  jan  30  1932                    1890  -  1963
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