Page 54 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 54

RICHARD  GAVIN                                     MICHAEL  DARCY  McCLOSKEY
                     1859  -  1923                                      d  aug  21  1934  49  yrs
                     3is  wife                                          -----------
                     .Josephine  Anna  Leblanc                          CUhlbIINC
                     1861  -  1907                                      Annie  hfurphy
                     -----------                                       wife  of
                     TAMFS  BRADLEY                                     Hugh  Cumming
                     1886  -  1978                                      a  ;cc  26  1929
                     his  wife                                          Hugh  Cumming
                     Marcella  Teevens                                  d  feb  10  1936
                     1889  -  1931                                     Austin  Cumming
                     their  son  Jose~h                                 d  may  9  1949
                     1920  -  1923                                      Edna  Cumming
                     John's  baby  Monica,  1948                        d  nov  23  1950
                     Marjory's  baby  Debora  Ralph,  1948
                                                                       JOHN  MOSS
                     ANGUS  MacDONALD                                  born  in  Ireland  :
                     11859  -  1923                                     d  may  5  1906  50  yrs
                     ]lis wife                                         his  wife
                     Mary  Jane  hlcDonald                              Mary  Lefebvre
                     1861 -  1956                                       apr  1861  -  jan  10  1932
                     ,-----------                                      hlrs  hlary  Stapleton
                     OLIVIER  OLIVER  MacDONALD                        born  in  Ireland
                     inar  26  1861 -  jan  3  1938                     d  apr  18  1923  68  yrs
                     ]lis wife                                         Esther  Munroe
                     Emma  Johnston                                     30  mar  1894  -  jan  6  1922
                     apr  11  1868  -  apr  17  1959                   Edgar  Moss
                     Emma  h1acDonald                                  d  aug  13 1948
                     1894  -  1946                                     Mary  Loretta  Moss
                     Oliver  Kelly  MacDonald                          d  june  27  1965
                     sept  5  1889  -  nov  20  1963
                     .-  - - - - - - - - , - -                          LOUIS  ALEXIS  LESSARD
                     FLYNN                                              1844  -  1923
                     Elizabeth  Birt                                    son  épouse
                     ivife  of                                         Alphonsine  St-Jacques
                     blichael  Flynn                                    1848  -  1931
                     d  nov  23  1921  44  yrs                         Eugène  Lessard
                     Michael  Flynn                                    1883  -  1924
                     d  jan  9  1948  85  yrs                          Albina  Lessard
                     Mary  Rita  Flynn                                 1868  -  1933
                     d  aug  21  1920  9  mths                         Emile  Lessard
                     hlargaret  Mary  Flynn                            1881  -  1952
                     d  sept  16  1920  10 mths                        époux  de
                     - - - - - - - - - - -                             Dora  St-Jean
                     ARTHUR  ST-LAURENT                                d  7  sept  1954  70  ans
                     1860  -  1923                                     -----------
                     Zulema  Sylvain                                   OLLIE  FINN
                     1867  -  1926                                     1896  -  1923
                     Elmira  Sylvain                                   James  Finn
                     1891 -  1959                                      1855  -  1932
                     I.iurielle  Chauvin                               his  wife
                     1901  -  1966                                     Mary  ?IcGrath
                     -----------                                       1865  -  1941
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59