Page 43 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 43

JOHN  RIOUX                                       KATHLEEN  O'Donnell
                      d  june  25  1938  85  yrs                         1900  -  1924
                                                                         --- -..-----
                      Ellen  Kerr
                      wife  of                                           GO RMAN
                      Dr.  J.B.  Rioux                                  Flae  Nyal
                      d  jan  24  1933  75  yrs                          1893 -  1942
                      Marie  Riùux                                      ,,.<   ç-  ,,  f
                      d  mar  14  1913  30  yrs                          Gerald  Gorman
                      John  Rioux                                        1889  -  1954
                      d  oct  9  1920  33  yrs                          Norman  Patrick  Gorman
                      les  enfants                                       1926  -  1948
                      Flichael,  d  aug  7  1913                         ~erald Gorman
                      John,  d  may  13 1918                             1914  -  1952
                      ST-LOUIS                                          WILLIAM  Irt4HONEY
                      Eugénie  Thériault                                 1878  -  1959
                      1894  .-  1958                                    husband  of
                      épouse  de                                        Elizabeth  Mahoney
                      Napoléon  St-Louis                                 Cosmas  Mahoney
                      1886  -  1976                                      1916  -  1978
                      bébé  Roger,  1919                                husband  of
                      Eda  St-Louis                                      Leona  Whetstone
                      1881  -  1967                                      Gervase  blahoney
                      -----------                                        d  nov  11  1919  7  yrs
                      LUKE  JOYCE                                        Iola  Mahoney
                      1849  -  1922                                      d  ocr  14  1920  11  yrs
                      - ~
                      Isobel  Strong
                      1851 -  1919                                       ORE  DE  GRANDMONT
                      Alphonsus,  1938                                   Alcide  Ore  de  Grandmo.,it
                      Joséphine.  1941                                   1885  -  1939
                      ~ora;           1966                               époux  de
                      Stella,         1968                               Zérilda  Boulay
                      -----------                                        1891  -  --  .-
                      BRENNAN                                            -----------
                      Mary  Ann  Robinson                                FREDERIC  UNGER
                      wife  of                                           1854  -  1925
                      John  Brennan                                      his  wife
                      1869  -  1927                                      Catherine  Hayes
                      John  Brennan                                      1865  -  1940
                      1863 -  1946                                       william  Unger
                      -----------                                        1895  -  1937
                      JAMES  McQUIRK                                     Frederic  Unger
                      1878 -  1919                                       1891  -  1960-
                      his  wife                                          -----------
                      Jane  Banko                                        PHILIP  PAPP
                      1880  -  1919                                      1837  -  1922
                      Patrick,  1919  -  1919                           his  wife
                      -----------                                       Mary  Lucas
                      LOUIS  O'DONNELL                                   1845  -  1921
                      1865  -  1920                                      Orelia  blitchell
                      Elizabeth  Graham                                  18h9  -  1933
                      1864  -  1924                                     Amos  Papp
                                                                         1862  -  1937
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