Page 37 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 37

époux  de                                          ;ames  Leaver
                      Yvette  Gauthier                                   d  june  19  1952  96  yrs
                      Léo  Labonté                                        ame es  Leaver
                      1896  -  1979                                      d  june  10  1895  6  yrs
                      Valéda  Labonté
                      1900  -  ----                                      KEOGH
                            - - - - - - -                                Anna  Godsill
                      PAGE  1  BOULAY                                    1884  -  IYiU
                      ~lzéa; Pagé                                        Thimoty  Keogh
                      1889  -  1954                                      1884  -  1963
                      époux  de
                      Lumina  Boulay                                     COSGROVE
                      1887  -  1957                                      William  Cosgrove
                      Gabriel  Pagé,  1919                               d  mar  3  1920  68  yrs
                      Gilles  Pagé,  1925                                his wife
                      Thadée  Boulay                                     Bridget  Brady
                      1863  -  1892                                      d  sept  6  1935  68  yrs
                      son  épouse                                        John  Cosgrove
                      Arthémise  Pagé                                    d  nov  21  1943 47  yrs
                      1868  -  1952                                      Stephen  Cosgrove
                      -. -
                      colombe-~oulay                                     1891 -  194P
                      1889  -  1895
                      Blanche  Boulay                                    JAblES  SULLIVAN
                      1892  -  1940                                      d  july  18  1938  51  yrs
                      -----------                                        Irene  May  Sullivan
                      DIOVANI  MANDIA                                    d  nov  30  1920  6  yrs
                      born  in  Termini,  Imerese,  Italy                knvis  Bridget  Cosgrove
                      oct  17  1876  -  sept  12  1920                   n.ov  3  1922  -  june  10  1923
                      his  wife
                      Rosina  Polito                                     GEORGE  DUFOUR
                      d  dec  18  1954  70  yrs                          1859  -  1928
                      Joseph  Mandia                                     his  wife
                      sept  8  1904  -  july  27  1940                   blary  Elmira  Lacroix
                      Florida  Renaud                                    1867  -  1966
                       1906  -  1974
                      wife  of                                           LOUIS  MERCIER
                      Casino  Mandia                                     d  19  oc-  1963  76  ans
                      1903 -  ----                                       René  Mercier
                      -----------                                        1901 -  1967

                      ALEXAKDER  CAMERON                                 Eva,  1891  -  1970
                      1887  -  1938                                      Blanche.  1894  -  1972
                      husband  of                                        Odila,  i913  -  ----
                      Ann  Beaton                                        Alfred,  1910  -  ----
                      1898  -  1938                                      Horace  Mercier,  père
                      Sgt.  Alexander  Cameron                           d  1  mai  1920  65  ans
                      1925  -  1944                                      son  épouse
                      buried  in  Strattford  on  Avon,  Engl ,Glorinda Couvrette
                      -----------                                        d  15  avr  1940  83  ans
                      CATHERINE  KEON                                    Achile  Mercier
                      wife  of                                           d  5  oct  1935  44  ans
                      James  Leaver                                      Horace  blercier
                      d  sept  1  1920  65  yrs                          d  4  mar  1954  72  ans
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