Page 117 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 117

Schingh,  211,                                     St-Denis,  228,236,248,287,
                    Schryburt,  295,                                   Stewart.  293.
                    Scisson,  254,                                     St-.~eor~e, 245,285,
                    Scott,  219,283,                                   St-Germain,  21L,274,
                    Seaby,  234,235,                                   St-Jacques.  230,250,779,
                    Seguin,  201,204,205,207,210,211,                  St- ame es,  202,
                                                                       qt-.Tpôn.  210,222,250,
                    261,272,296,                                       St-Laurent,  250,
                    Senneville,  251,                                  St-Louis,  239,
                    Servant,  237,                                     Stock,  202,
                    Sever,  296,297,                                   Stone,  209,
                    Sevigny,  222,299,                                 St-Onges,  259,
                    Seymour,  216,                                     St-Pierre,  202,
                    Shanahan,  204,                                    Strang,  255,
                    Shane,  789,                                       Stringer,  214,
                    Shannon.  220,                                     Strong,  239,
                    Shaw.  ?57.                                        Sullivan.  217.233.247,280,
                    ~hea; 224;242,256,259,                             Summers , 2 71,                                Y-
                    Sheahan,  242,                                     Sunicillo,  296,
                    Sheehan,  274,275,281,                             Sylvain,  250,292,
                    Sheenan.  253.                                     Taillefer,  228,229,268,
                    Sheridan,  208,                                    Talbot,  2i4,
                    Sherman,  244,                                     Talen,  275,
                    Shimirri,  244,                                    Tardif,  231,232,
                    Shorkey,  244,                                     Tasse,  237,256,
                    Sibley,  243,                                      Taverna,  292,
                    Sigouin,  292,                                     Taylor,  234,286,
                    Silosam  215,                                      Tearey,  246,
                    Simard,  229,                                      Teevens,  250,288,
                    Simmonds,  270,                                    Tessier,  231,249,283,
                    Sims,  259,                                        Tetreau,  210,
                    Sloan,  273,                                       Theriau! t,  236,239,
                    Small,  245,                                       Therriault,  271,
                    Smith,  226,242,264,267,270,272,286,Therrien,  244,
                    Snaith,  279,                                      Thibeault , 231,
                    Snider,208,                                        Thibert,  228,
                    Snow,  274,                                        Thibodeau,  246,
                    Sorrenti,  243,                                    Thinel,  ?15,264,
                    Soubliere,  215,268,297,                           Thompson,  713,216,251,259,?12,
                    Soulard,  259,295,                                 Thomson,  216,248,
                     Sparrow,  205,                                    Thorney,  208,
                     Spearç,  253,                                     Tierney,  251,254,271,
                     Spenard,  291,                                    Tighe,  227,243,
                     Spencer,  295,                                    Timm,.  277,
                     Stackpole,  203,                                  Tobin,  286,
                     St-hant , 247,                                    Tooley,  274,
                     St-Amour,  237,281,290,                           Tourangeau,  273,
                     Standing,  251,                                   Tracey,  202,
                     Stang,  229,                                      Travers,  262 ;
                     Stanley,  205,281,                                Tremblay,  2?0,?22,2Z4,235,2lh,!/I,
                     Stapleton,  150,                                  282,
                     Starr,  265,183,                                  Trepanier,  217,3bR,298,
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