Page 92 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 92

306A-3 and B-l                                      308C-1 and 2
              KUIACK, Frank E\1902-1987                           LUTES, J.W.Lawrence\1902-1977
              KUIACK, Della V\1914-1985                           LUTES, Dorothy L\1907-1985
              Together Forever                                    In Loving Memory

              306B-2 and 3                                        308D-1 and 2
              O'BRIEN, Angus\1907-1978                            JONES, Ernest T\1903-1983
              (Ottawa City Police)                                JONES, Dorothy\1904-1972
              O'BRIEN, Minerva\l907-                              In Loving Memory
              Together Forever                                    Together Forever

              306C-1                                              309B-2
              KEELER, W. Albert\1906-1982                         PARKER, Edith A\1899-1984
              Rest in Peace                                       In Loving Memory
                                                                  309D-1 and 2
              KEELER, Mary Ann\1909-1976
                                                                  LACKEY, Robert J\1900-1976
              306D-1 and 2                                        (Football)
              BARROW, Robert John\1929-                           LACKEY, Olive J\1903-1989
              BARROW, Jean Patricia\l933-1978                     (United Church of Canada)
                                                                  Together Forever
              "I am the Resurrection
              and the Life,
              He who believes in Me                               310A-1 and 2
              will never die"                                     RUSK, Violet E\1892-1966
              In Loving Memory                                    (The United Church of Canada)
                                                                  RUSK, Harry\1891-1973
              307A-1 and 2
                                                                  (Crossed guns)
              BURNETT, C. Gray\1898-1970
                                                                  In Loving Memory
              BURNETT, Helen I\1897-1970
                                                                  310B-1 and 2
                                                                  MUNRO, Frank W\1914-
              BRADLEY, Mary L\1882-1968
                                                                  MUNRO, Ethel K\1921-1981
              307B-3                                              (United Church of Canada)
                                                                  Together Forever
              DESLAURIER, Edna E\1909-1965

              307D-1                                              310C-1 and 2
                                                                  VALLIERES DE ST REAL,B Adair B\
              BARNES, Ida E\1904-1980
                                                                  311A-1 and 2
              BARNES, George S.J\1918-1986
                                                                  HOBBS, W. Craig\1898-1988
                                                                  Masonic (Served at the Front)
              BARNES, George J\1891-1970                          HOBBS, Beulah M\1901-1985
              (British Great War Veteran                          (United Church of Canada)
                                                                  "Then shall the dust
                                                                  Return to the Earth
              308A-1 and 2                                        as it was: and the
                                                                  Spirit shall return
              WILLING, Peter M\1897-1965
                                                                  unto God who gave it"
              WILLING, Charlotte H\1899-1979

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