Page 78 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 78

189C-3                                              193D-1
              LUND, Christian M\1913-1982                         MCRORY, Shirley M\1934-1982
              WEIR, Lillian M\1911-                               I.L.M.

              190A-1 and 2
                                                                  GARDNER, George T\1932-1978
              CHAMBERS, George E\1907-1984
              CHAMBERS, S. Ruth\1906-1965
                                                                  195A-1 and 2
              "Be thou Faithful Unto
                                                                  THURLEY, James\1899-1980
              death and will give
              Thee the Crown of Life"                             THURLEY, Luella\1910-1988
              MACDONALD, Raymond R                                196A-1
              Stoker P.O./ R.C.N.V.R.                             GARDNER, Thomas J\1903-1965
              5 May 1971 - Age 50                                 (Royal     Cdn     Artillery      crest)
                                                                  (Holy Bible)
              192A-1 and 2                                        Together Forever
              KRAUT, Richard L\1901-1966
                                                                  196C-1 and 2
              (Musician crest)
                                                                  MCCAMBLEY, Edey A\1903-1964
              KRAUT, Christine\l918-
              (In Memory Austria)                                 MCCAMBLEY, Laurena\1910-1975
              Together Forever                                    (Holy Bible)
                                                                  Together Forever
              192B-1 and 2
              PERRON, W. Clement\1898-1966                        197A-1 and 2
                                                                  POTVIN, Gerald L\1935-1973
              PERRON, Muriel D\1900-1987
              191C-1                                              POTVIN, Rita S\1941-
              ARNOLD, Norman S\1907-1969
                                                                  Together Forever
              (Royal Cdn Corp of signals)
                                                                  197B-1 and 2
              (Ladies Orange Benevolent Ass'n
                                                                  POTVIN, Leo A\1912-1984
              "Our    Roots are deep and lasting                  P.L.D.G.
              The kind that have no end
                                                                  POTVIN, Dorothy I\1915-1987
              For they grow in friendships
                                                                  Married 50 years
              garden I share with you my friend"
                                                                  Together Forever
              Vera Hardman
                                                                  198C-1, 2 and 3
                                                                  NETHERCOTE, Charles H\1919-1980
              NIDD, Donald J\1928-1978
                                                                  (Masonic crest)
              NIDD, Pauline T\1938
                                                                  NETHERCOTE, Grace E
                                                                  Aug 2, 1915 - Nov 23, 1964
              193A-2 and 3
                                                                  NETHERCOTE,Charles E\1892-1976
              WHITE, Edwin H\1922-1986
                                                                  (Masonic crest)
              WHITE, Gladys G\1922-1981
                                                                  An   Old Contemptible who will
              Together Forever
                                                                  never die.
              MCFEE, Ralph M\1922-1986
                                                                  My Beloved Wife
              (General Service Crest)
                                                                  NETHERCOTE, Elizabeth M\
              My Beloved Husband
                                                                  May 1,1895 - Dec 1,1973
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