Page 306 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 306

191D-4                                             197C-2
               RYAN, Marie-Rose/1903-1992                         RISTO, John R/1928-1988
               RYAN, Douglas/1931-                                RISTO, Reta E
               RYAN, Rene/1938-1992                               Together in Memory
               In Loving Memory
               193A-4                                             SAUNDERS, Cyril P/1939-1994
               SIMMS, E.D.Freeman/1922-                           SAUNDERS, Sandra/1942-
               SIMMS, Ruby D/1928-1993                            Married 04-26-63
                                                                  (Car Emblem)
               (United Church of Canada)
                                                                  Together Forever
               In God's Loving Care
               193C-4                                             197D-1
               FIELD, Christina Lynn                              HEYES, Victor J/1923-
               April 17, 1987 - March 7, 1989                     HEYES, Margaret M/1923-1994
               (Lamb symbol)                                      Nee Christopher
                                                                  Rest is thine, Sweet memory
               195A-1                                             ours
               McKIBBON, Raymond R/1923-1993
                                                                  NASON, Grover C/1922-1988
               McKIBBON, Gloria T/1928-
                                                                  NASON, Helen L/1923-
               196D-1                                             (Nee McAloney)
               DAUGHERTY, Lorne E/1914-1989                       "Just a Prayer Away"
               DAUGHERTY, Ruth E/1920-
               In Loving Memory
                                                                  SHUTE, Katie/August 27, 1987-
                                                                  May 5, 1994
                                                                  Our Beloved Daughter
               THOMAS, Joy E/1938-1989
               (Professional Engineer Emblem)
               (Caduceus, RN)
                                                                  MacINTOSH, L. Ross/1916-
               Remembered by my children/
               Reid, Jennifer, Linda and Kim                      (Masonic Emblem)
                                                                  MacINTOSH, Mina/1916-1989
               197A-1                                             (Legion `A' Emblem)
                                                                  In Loving Memory
               CLARK, Robert M/1932-
               CLARK, Dorothy M/1931-1989
               Remembered Always
                                                                  MILLARD, Henry R/1912-1991
                                                                  MILLARD, Margaret H/1918-
                                                                  With Christ
               RYAN, Bernard H/1929-1989
               RYAN, Monica M/1929-
               (RC emblems)
                                                                  McLELLAN, James P/1901-1991
               In Loving Memory
                                                                  McLELLAN, M. Rose/1904-
               197B-2                                             Together Forever
               DUROCHER,Frederick J/1918-1989
               DUROCHER, Elsie M/1920-
                                                                  ROBINSON, Joseph H/1909-1991
               In Loving memory
                                                                  ROBINSON, Ann B/1910-
               197C-1                                             Nee Murphy
               WEBBER, Carole A/ (B.Comm.)                        ROBINSON, Anthony R/1951-
               1937-1991. Nee Wilson
               A caring daughter, sister,
               aunt and friend.

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